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Marine Diesel Engine Directory
Fairbanks Morse Engine is a strategic partner worldwide, which includes two-stroke low- Engines out of the earlier Steyr-Daimler-Puch
Anglo Belgian Corp. (ABC) and a trusted source for application-speci? c, speed engines, MET turbochargers, propellers, group of companies. Decades of Engine Engi-
Wiedauwkaai 43, 9000 Ghent, Belgium fuel- ? exible power systems that deliver opti- marine boilers & turbines, deck cranes, deck neering and Production of Diesel engines for all
Phone: (+32) 09 267 00 00 mal performance in mission critical applica- machinery, ? n stabilizers and steering gears. kind of commercial & military vehicles resulted
Email: [email protected] tions. These applications include base load in the development of the STEYR M1- (Mono-
Website: www.abcdiesel.be
Moteurs Baudouin and standby power generation and emergency block) engine family. Its products are highly
Anglo Belgian Corporation with headquarters in back-up power for nuclear plants; ship propul- Technoparc du Brégadan - CS 50001 - 13711 specialized in regard of operational safety, en-
Gent, Belgium has almost a century of engine- sion and shipboard power for the United States Cassis Cedex - France vironmental protection, power density and cost building expertise. The company was founded
Navy and Coast Guard and commercial vessels, Phone: +33 488 688 500 effectiveness. in 1912 by a group of Belgian entrepreneurs and mechanical drive applications such as Website: www.baudouin.com soon after building the ? rst licensed Rudolf Die-
Volvo Penta crude oil and water pumping. Fairbanks Morse The powering solutions offered by Moteurs sel engine.
Engine, is an EnPro Industries company. Baudouin have been designed to satisfy all pro- Website: www.volvopenta.com fessional navigation requirements. Covering a Volvo Penta, with 3,500 dealers in more than
GE Marine Solutions range from 60 to 883 kW, the Moteurs Baudou- 130 countries, is a global manufacturer of en- 100 NE Adams Street, Peoria, IL 61614 USA 500 W Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60661 in products are distinguished by their high level gines for leisure boats and commercial vessels,
Phone: 309.675.1000
Phone: (814) 875-2234 of reliability, low maintenance and economical as well as industrial applications. The propul-
Email:[email protected]
Website: www.gemarinesolutions.com operational costs. In addition to propulsion sys- sion program includes diesel and gasoline en-
Website: www.caterpillar.com
GE’s Marine Solutions is dedicated to power tems, we manufacture marine generator sets gines with power outputs between 10 and 900
Caterpillar Marine is working with 60 Cat Deal- and propulsion systems for customers in the suitable to all applications. We also supply ma- horsepower. Volvo Penta is part of the Volvo ers and 20 MaK & EMD dealers globally, The workboat, merchant, offshore and naval indus- rine gearboxes and all other propulsion chain Group, one of the world’s leading manufactur- product offering includes diesel & dual fuel pro- tries. Smart engineering coupled with software components. ers of heavy trucks, buses and construction pulsion and auxiliary marine engines, as well analytics, we provide customers with data- equipment.
as complete marine generator sets. In addition
Niigata Power Systems driven ef? ciency. Connecting the physical and to power generation, it offers after treatment
Wärtsilä digital worlds, GE helps power, propel, position 14-5, Sotokanda 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, solutions and complete Fuel Gas Handling Sys- tems. To ensure maneuverability, propulsion and predict the marine industry for operational 101-0021 Japan John Stenbergin ranta 2, FI-00530 excellence. Phone: +81-3-4366-1200 Helsinki, Finland and control throughout your vessel we offer
Website: www.niigata-power.com Phone: +358 10 709 0000
Conventional Propeller Systems in a Control-
John Deere
Website: www.wartsila.com lable Pitch layout and Azimuth Propulsion Sys- 3801 W Ridgeway Avenue, Waterloo IA 50701, Wärtsilä is a global leader in advanced tech-
Rolls-Royce tems in Controllable and Fixed Pitch layouts
Phone: 1-800-533-6446 Maybachpl.1, 88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany nologies and complete lifecycle solutions for as mechanical, electrical or hybrid driven solu-
Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 7541 9091 the marine and energy markets. By emphasis- tions.
Website: www.deere.com Email: [email protected] ing sustainable innovation and total ef? ciency,
John Deere specializes in rugged diesel en- Website: www.rrpowersystems.com Wärtsilä maximizes the environmental and
Cummins gines that power agriculture, construction, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, a division of Rolls- economic performance of the vessels and pow- 4500 Leeds Avenue, Charleston, SC 29405 forestry, mining, generator drive, marine, and Royce plc., is a leader in engines and propul- er plants of its customers.
Phone: 1-800-343-7357 thousands of other applications around the sion systems and distributed power generation
Email:[email protected]
Winterthur Gas & Diesel world. Choose from 30 kW to 448 kW (40 hp plants. Under the MTU brand, it develops and
Website: www.cummins.com to 600 hp) industrial diesel engines and 56 kW produces high-speed engines and propulsion P.O. Box 414, Schützenstrasse 1-3, CH-8401
Cummins is a corporation of complementary to 559 kW (75 hp to 750 hp) marine diesel en- systems for ships and heavy land, rail and de- Winterthur, Switzerland business segments that design, manufacture, gines, as well as Funk drivetrain components. fence vehicles, as well as drive systems for use Phone: +41 52 262 4922 distribute and service diesel and natural gas in the oil and gas industry and in power genera- Email: [email protected] engines and related technologies, including
MAN Diesel & Turbo tion. Operating under the Rolls-Royce brand in Website: www.wingd.com fuel systems, controls, air handling, ? ltration,
Stadtbachstr. 1, 86153 Augsburg, Germany Bergen, Norway, it also develops and produce WinGD is a leading developer of low-speed Gas emission solutions and electrical power gen-
Phone: +49 821 322-0 smedium-speed engines for marine and power and Diesel engines used for propulsion power eration systems. Headquartered in Columbus,
Indiana, Cummins employs approximately Email: [email protected] generation applications. in merchant shipping. These engines are uti-
Website: www.dieselturbo.man.eu lized for the propulsion of all types of deep-sea 55,000 people worldwide and serves custom-
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE is a leading provider of ships world-wide, such as oil and product tank- ers in approximately 190 countries and terri- large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery Vagnmakarvägen1, 151 87 Södertälje, Sweden ers, bulk carriers, car carriers, general cargo tories through a network of approximately 600 company-owned and independent distributor for marine and stationary applications. It de- Phone: +46 8 553 810 00 ships and container ships. The company con- signs two-stroke and four-stroke engines that Website: www.scania.com tinues the long tradition of the Sulzer Diesel En- locations and approximately 7,200 dealer loca- are manufactured both by the company and by Scania is a part of Volkswagen Truck & Bus gine business founded in 1898. WinGD’s head- tions. its licensees. The engines have power outputs GmbH and one of the world’s leading manufac- quarters is located in Winterthur, Switzerland. ranging from 450 kW to 87 MW. MAN Diesel & turers of trucks and buses for heavy transport WinGD has extensive state-of-the-art research
Daihatsu Diesel 1-30, Oyodo Naka 1-Chome, Kita-ku, Osaka Turbo also designs and manufactures gas tur- applications, as well as a leading provider of and training facilities at its Diesel Technology bines of up to 30 MW, steam turbines of up to industrial and marine engines. Service-related Center located in Oberwinterthur. WinGD is 531-0076 JapanJapan 150 MW and compressors with volume ? ows products account for a growing proportion of owned by China State Shipbuilding Corporation
Phone: 81-6-6454-2346 of up to 1.5 million m³/h and pressures of up the company’s operations, assuring Scania (CSSC).
Website: www. dhtd.co.jp/en to 1,000 bar. The product range is rounded off customers of cost-effective transport solutions
Yanmar by turbochargers, propellers, gas engines and and maximum uptime. Scania also offers ? nan-
Electro-Motive Diesel chemical reactors. MAN Diesel & Turbo’s range cial services. Employing about 44,000 people, 530-0013, YANMAR FLYING-Y BUILDING, 1-32, 9301 W 55th Street, LaGrange. IL 60525, USA of goods includes complete marine propulsion the company operates in about 100 countries. Chayamachi, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8311, Japan
Phone:708-387-6081 systems, turbomachinery units for the oil & gas Research and development activities are con- Phone: +81-6-6376-6211
Website: www.progressrail.com/powerproducts as well as the process industries and complete centrated in Sweden, while production takes Website: www.yanmar.com
Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. (EMD) is a subsid- iary of Progress Rail Services, a Caterpillar power plant solutions. place in Europe and South America, with facili- YANMAR manufactures marine engines for ties for global interchange of both components pleasure boat use from 15 hp to 900 hp, ma- company.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and complete vehicles. rine transmissions and drives and commercial 16-5 Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo engines from 39 hp to 1,800 hp. These engines
Fairbanks Morse
Steyr Motors
Phone: 03-6716-5320 are designed for high performance and maxi- 701 White Ave., Beloit, WI 53511, USA
Email: [email protected] Im Stadtgut Zone B 1, 4407 Steyr, Austria mum engine life, and tested under extreme
Phone: +1-800-356-6955
Website: www.mhi-mme.com Phone: +43 7252 222 - 0 conditions to assure the YANMAR legendary re-
Fax: 608.364.8444
MHI-MME is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mit- Email: of? [email protected] liability. YANMAR backs them up with a superior
Email: [email protected] subishi Heavy Industries with a broad lineup of Website: www.steyr-motors.com engine warranty and world class local support.
Website: www.fairbanksmorse.com marine machinery and engines unparalleled Steyr Motors GmbH is the specialist for Diesel 50 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • DECEMBER 2016
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