Page 51: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 2016)
Great Ships of 2016
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Choosing your BWM supplier
After 13 years, the International Ballast Water Manage- Trading in China provide systems, engineering, installa- ment (BWM) Convention will enter into force on 8 Sep- tion and support to the market. tember 2017, marking a landmark step towards halting Recognizing compliance is more than just superior
Matt Granitto the spread of invasive aquatic species worldwide. As a re- equipment, competent global service providers, effective
Ballast Water Manager, sult of this rati? cation, ballast water enquires and interest project life-cycle management, ensuring all the critical
Evoqua Water Technologies for retro? ts have dramatically increased. Besides having knowledge and expertise is applied at the right time, at an ef? cient system installed, ship owners and operators the right place and by the best team. The suppliers ongo- must choose a supplier who can provide not just a system ing commitment to the industry must be established to but a full suite of services and aftersales care worldwide. ensure support for the lifetime of their vessel. Additional adapt offerings to provide compliant systems.
It’s crucial that any BWMS issues are resolved as quickly
Ship owners and operators need to consider the support potential compliance requirements may come into force their supplier can provide throughout the whole process in the future and it will be suppliers who will need to as possible to avoid non-compliance. Additionally, it is essential to provide service support on a 24-hour basis, of BWM installation and maintenance. Will my supplier to ensure these issues are dealt with. Matt Granitto, busi- support me throughout the process? What is my suppliers ness manager for Evoqua’s ballast water business, states: service reach globally? Can I receive service in key major “Installing a BWMS on board an existing vessel is a com- ports worldwide? Which system is best suited for my ves- plex process which requires both extensive planning and sel? (According to vessel type, size, operation & design). expertise. Evoqua’s combined full service offering will en-
Furthermore, a key consideration for making a purchase able us to offer a complete ballast water solution to the decision needs to be based on the full ballast water man- shipping industry across the globe, to ease the headache agement package the supplier provides. This package ad- of compliance. This joint offering is fully customer ori- dresses the pre engineering, retro? t engineering, design ented, with the client able to pick and choose the ele- and installation of a system. To be able to receive a whole ments of service they require”. package from a singular supplier is seen as a huge weight
These strategic agreements with respected global provid- off of ship owner’s shoulders.
ers allows for effective project life-cycle management, en-
In response to this, Evoqua have aligned themselves with suring all the critical knowledge and expertise is applied a number of renowned global organizations, Venteville & at the right time, at the right place and by the best team.
Damen who are engaging in the design, engineering, in-
This service offers ship owners peace of mind that they ® stallations and service of technical equipment. Drew Ma-
SeaCURE Ballast Water will be well-equipped to meet the technical challenges as-
Treatment System rine provides servicing and presence in 900 ports. Locally, (Compact Design) sociated with compliance to ballast water regulations.
Krosys in South Korea, Matsui in Japan & Hai Cheung
Evoqua offers a ballast water management system that KEY BENEFITS OF THE SeaCURE® SYSTEM provides a reliable, safe and environmentally sound • Operates anywhere solution designed to protect against the proliferation of • Reduced OPEX & CAPEX aquatic invasive species. • Trusted, tested & safe system • Simple & ?exible installation
The system is based on more than 50 years of proven • Global service support experience and over 2,500 shipboard installations of Evoqua‘s well-known Chloropac® marine growth prevention system (MGPS).
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