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Annual World Yearbook

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On Polar Star’s current deployment to the Antarctic in support of Operation ? ooding in the cut-

Deep Freeze, a seal on one of its three shafts failed, causing ter’s engine room at the rate of approximately 20 gallons per minute. An emergen- one cy shaft seal was installed and the engineering space was dewatered. Separately, of the three gas turbine engines failed. The crew was able to troubleshoot the the cutter’s 1970s era turbine ? nding a programming issue between the engine and electrical system.


Deep Freeze, a seal on one of its three requirements.” While data showed that the USCG’s icebreaking capability, and for national science missions, the Coast shafts failed, causing ? ooding in the at least four heavy icebreakers would be improve operational effectiveness. Guard provides reimbursable icebreak- cutter’s engine room at the rate of ap- required, the report recommended fund- A September 2017 report of the Gov- ing services for the annual resupply of proximately 20 gallons per minute. An ing for only two, based on budgetary ernment Accountability Of? ce (GAO) McMurdo Research Station. However, emergency shaft seal was installed and forecasts. noted that the Coast Guard has taken the Coast Guard reports that it has been the engineering space was dewatered. The USCG Arctic Strategy (May various actions to advance its heavy po- unable to address all agency requests for

Separately, one of the three gas turbine 2013) noted that climatic conditions in lar icebreaker acquisition program since its polar icebreaking services. For exam- engines failed. The crew was able to the Arctic are changing rapidly, with a establishing it in 2013, such as partner- ple, the Coast Guard is often requested troubleshoot the turbine ? nding a pro- 40% reduction in the polar ice cap since ing with the Navy and engaging the to provide polar icebreaking services for gramming issue between the engine and 1970. Concomitantly, human activity shipbuilding industry, but faces risks in other US government agency operations, the cutter’s 1970s era electrical system. in the Arctic is increasing rapidly. Mer- implementing its accelerated acquisition and tracks its performance in meeting

This year’s US Antarctic Program resup- chant vessels, ? shing vessels, passenger schedule. In particular, in October 2016, these requests. Speci? cally, the Coast ply mission is now complete and Polar vessels, and oil and gas drilling rigs are the Coast Guard released a notional Guard reported ful? lling 78 percent

Star is enroute its homeport of Seattle. becoming common sights in waters pre- schedule for the heavy polar acquisition (25 of 32) of agency requests for polar

Ideally, Congress would have com- viously the almost exclusive domain of program showing delivery of the ? rst icebreaking services during ? scal years menced planning to fund new polar ice- polar bears, walrus, and seals. This hu- of three heavy polar icebreakers in ? s- 2010 through 2016.

breakers soon after Polar Star and Polar man activity will continue to increase re- cal year 2023—three years sooner than In February 2017, the Coast Guard

Sea were commissioned. But that is no gardless of whether the US government initially planned. However, Coast Guard awarded ? ve ? rm ? xed-price contracts realistic. The US Coast Guard, though, (and particularly the US Coast Guard) of? cials reported that should acquisition for heavy polar icebreaker design stud- has sought such funding for many years has a meaningful presence in the Arctic, planning documents, including acquisi- ies and analysis. The objective of the now. It has prepared plans and drafted but that human activity will be safer and tion and lifecycle cost estimates, not be studies is to identify design and systems rough requirements for consideration more orderly if the Coast Guard is there completed and approved by the end of approaches to reduce acquisition cost by its Service Secretaries, the Of? ce of to support maritime safety, security, and ? scal year 2017, the program may not and production timelines. In April 2017,

Management and Budget (OMB), and its environmental protection. be able to meet its schedule for releasing the Coast Guard released its draft heavy authorizing and appropriations commit- In December 2016, the Department of the request for proposals for detail de- polar icebreaker system speci? cations in tees in the House and Senate. Homeland Security (DHS) submitted a sign and construction—a key step in the a request for information (RFI). The RFI

The 1984 United States Polar Ice- report to Congress entitled ‘Arctic Ice- acquisition process—in mid-? scal year seeks questions, comments, and feed- breaker Requirements Study, prepared breaking Capabilities’. The report ad- 2018. This may then delay the contract back related to heavy polar icebreaker jointly by the Coast Guard, Department dressed the current ability of the Coast award scheduled for ? scal year 2019 and technology risks, sustainability, produc- of Transportation, Maritime Administra- Guard to provide the Navy with ade- extend the proposed delivery date. tivity, and affordability.

tion, Department of Defense, National quate icebreaking capabilities to operate Various responsibilities drive the The Administration has now requested

Science Foundation, National Oceanic a surface combatant ship in the Arctic Coast Guard’s determination of its po- that Congress appropriate $750 million and Atmospheric Administration, and year round. It concludes that the Coast lar icebreaking mission requirements, in ? scal year 2018 for detail work, de-

Of? ce of Management and Budget, rec- Guard is planning to acquire at least two and the Coast Guard has been unable to sign, and construction of a new heavy ommended that four polar icebreakers new heavy icebreakers to recapitalize address all polar icebreaking requests polar icebreaker. There is still work would be required to meet national and the existing ? eet. since 2010. In accordance with statute to be done before steel can be cut, but program requirements through the year In July 2017, the National Academies and presidential and national security it is time for Congress to step forward 2000. of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine directives, the Coast Guard has an obli- and commit itself to acquisition of the

In 1990, an updated report to the Presi- recommended construction of four new gation to maintain the capability to con- needed heavy polar icebreakers. It is dent on polar icebreaker requirements polar icebreakers of the same design as duct polar ice operations. Coast Guard recommended that Congress appropriate reiterated that: “As instruments of na- the lowest cost strategy for protecting US polar icebreakers do so by providing a the necessary funds now. Reasonable tional policy and presence, icebreak- interests in the Arctic and Antarctic. At scienti? c research platform for National conditions can and should be placed on ers are necessary to meet the legitimate an estimated cost of $791 million each, Science Foundation (NSF) and other expenditure of those funds to minimize needs of national defense and security, four heavy icebreakers of common de- federal agencies and enforcing U.S. laws ? nancial risks. But, without adequate to demonstrate the full range of national sign would reduce operating and main- and international treaty obligations in money on the table, US ship builders sovereignty, and to protect economic in- tenance costs over the life of the vessels, the Polar Regions. For example, to sup- will not exert best efforts to bring this terests and to ful? ll scienti? c research improve continuity of service, increase port the U.S. Antarctic program and NSF urgent need to fruition.

14 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MARCH 2018

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