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MarTID 2019: MarTID 2019:
Image: AdobeStock © putilov_denis
The Global Survey of
Maritime Training Practices is Open
The second annual global Maritime the completion of the inaugural survey foundational training data, this year’s sur- ¦ Vessel owner/operators will have
Training Insights Database (MarTID) and publication of the 2018 Training vey will be shorter and consist of two foci. a means to benchmark their own survey examines the impact of the au- Practices Report (which can be found at The ? rst section of the survey will training initiatives.
tonomy trend in maritime operations on focus on collecting benchmark data ¦ Maritime training institutions the training of future ‘seafarers,’ and tracked annually, revealing trends in core will be able to better gauge as of November 26, 2018 the survey is WHY IS MARTID IMPORTANT? training issues. These include training future needs.
of? cially ‘open’ for a period of approxi- This MarTID initiative is the ? rst of its budgets, training models, training staff- ¦ Seafarers will potentially have a mately six weeks. kind in the world. There is broad agree- ing, the use of technology, major training clearer picture of evolving ment that roughly 80% of maritime ac- initiatives, and seafarer demographics. skills requirements.
THE MARTID 2019 SURVEY cidents involve human factors causes. The second section will focus on this
To facilitate a broader response, this As such, vessel operators and maritime year’s special topic: the impact of au- TAKE THE SURVEY year the MarTID steering group opted training centers are pouring signi? cant tonomous vessel operations on maritime ¦ For Operators: to both shorten the survey and to offer resources into creating best practice and training. This trend has already begun three, targeted versions: one for vessel innovative training programs. The Mar- to impact operations and the need for r/2019MarTIDOperator operators, one for training institutions TID database will grow in breadth and training. The 2019 MarTID survey will ¦ For Training Institutions: and one for seafarers. depth annually with your participation, explore the perspectives of vessel opera- ¦ For Operators: shining a light on the training approaches tors/managers, maritime administrators, r/2019MarTIDMETI and successes of global vessel operators maritime training experts and seafarers. ¦ For Seafarers: r/2019MarTIDOperator and training centers. Insightful, hard-to- ¦ For Training Institutions: get information inside the report include WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? r/2019MarTIDSeafarer • Global trends in training budgets? As was the case in 2018, the 2019 r/2019MarTIDMETI • Average training amount spent survey will be followed by a series of ¦ For Seafarers: per seafarer? publicly-available reports, broadly pub- • Trends in training technologies lished. These reports will provide both r/2019MarTIDSeafarer and training models. high-level and deep-dive information Questions?
covering both broad trends as well as The MarTID partners are dispersed
WHAT IS MARTID? WHAT’S NEW FOR deep coverage of the 2019 special topic. in several world time zones, and
MarTID is a non-commercial, joint MARTID IN 2019? Although MarTID was founded and run your question via email will likely initiative of the World Maritime Univer- The 2019 survey is designed to further by the three partner organizations, it re- be answered in 24 hours or (much) sity, Marine Learning Systems and New the mission of MarTID 2018: to provide quires community involvement to suc- less.
Wave Media. Its core principles include a global picture of maritime training that ceed. Your participation, approximately ethical integrity, objectivity and con? - is not currently available. Last year’s sur- 20 minutes of your time, helps to broad- Email: [email protected] dentiality. It was launched in 2018 with vey was designed to collect a broad set of en the depth of information. Visit: 11
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