Page 59: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2019)
The Shipyard Edition
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FUELTRAX melds decades of maritime experience with
NASA engineering experience to deliver real-time, ac- “Customers who utilize curate fuel monitoring and savings. Anthony George, the real-time throttle recommendations save
CEO and Founder of FUELTRAX, explains. on average 5 - 8% in fuel consumption across their ? eet.”
By Greg Trauthwein
For example, customers who utilize the ni? cant gains in fuel savings, which has
In a sentence or two, concisely What has been the key technological real-time throttle recommendations save been the catalyst for the adoption of dig- describe FUELTRAX. enablers that have been central to FUELTRAX is changing percep- on average 5 - 8% in fuel consumption ital technologies within our customers evolving the system?
tions of what to expect from your stan- It was the NASA engineers that I across their ? eet. Also, users who take ? eets. Other marine verticals will come dard marine fuel management system. brought onto the team that pushed for advantage of the reporting and visualiza- along in time.
By combining highly accurate fuel mon- standardization on Coriolis and Iridium tion tools see signi? cant savings in re-
What exactly is FUELNET?
itoring hardware with intelligent and to ensure they could support the system sources for their logistics and operations secure data processing software, FUEL- remotely. If you think about the space teams. FUELNET works hand-in-hand
TRAX helps vessel owners make smart- shuttle ... it can’t come home for a ? x if with FUELTRAX as a dashboard where
This is a transcendent time in maritime er decisions in real-time. We’ve helped there is a technical issue. They saw our you can see all of your vessels criti- history with the focus on environmental save more than $30 million worldwide client’s vessel operations in the same cal data points in one place. It features matters. How has this impacted your and counting. way. tracking of weather data metrics, time- stamped and linked to a vessel’s loca- business?
Environmental awareness is driving tion.
From the time it debuted, how is the Is there a “typical” FUELTRAX the fundamental need for vessel opera- FUELNET is unique in that it offers
FUELTRAX most different? customer? Early on with FUELTRAX, I learned Anyone looking for more insight tors to reduce fuel consumption and thus a single-source view for all of your fuel the importance of standardizing on reli- into their vessels operations and to en- reduce the vessels contribution to green- reporting and activity needs. able technology to enable system expan- hance their fuel monitoring through ac- house gases. FUELTRAX is uniquely
Where do you see opportunity today, sion and growth in the marketplace. By curate, live reporting and tracking can suited to assist in this endeavor. geographically? standardizing on Coriolis meters and bene? t from FUELTRAX. Today’s typi-
FUELTRAX sits not only on the cusp
Iridium satellite communications, we cal customers come from international Today, FUELTRAX operates across of the environmental transformation, have the most dependable and robust oil companies, charterers and vessel 500 plus vessels and can be used any- but also the digitalization revolution. monitoring system available in the mari- owners, or ship owners who pay for their where in the world. Our largest area of
Where are we today in terms of vessel time market, with an unprecedented 99% fuel. As the responsibility of fuel costs is operations is currently Nigeria, where owners actively pursuing and adopting uptime globally. evolving in the industry, this is changing. we have nearly 150 vessels and count- ing. We see growing ? eets in Malaysia, new technologies such as FUELTRAX
South America, and the Middle East.
How is it most the same? Realizing that vessel and ? eet opera- and FUELNET?
Each FUELTRAX system relies on There is a broad spectrum of adap- tion are diverse based on the route, the FUELTRAX patented design for Ma- tation among the different marine verti- cargo, machinery/equipment; is it By vessel type?
rine Fuel Monitoring. The patent is based cals. Early adopters see the value of this The early adopters have been in up- possible to generalize fuel savings for on principles I learned while studying technology in an attempt to reduce fuel stream oil and gas OSVs but we are see- a new FUELTRAX customer? physics in college as well as engineering Like any tool, the more our clients pilferage which is endemic in many parts ing this transition to larger hull forms in robust control systems while at CDI. use FUELTRAX, the more they gain. of the world. Our system provides sig- light of the coming IMO 2020. 59
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