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Workboat Edition
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The Final Word
Insights on technology advances with Rear Admiral John Okon,
Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
By Greg Trauthwein
Photo: U.S. Navy ear Admiral Okon freedom of movement, anytime, any- persistence and information from areas never started out where,” said RDML Okon. “Now, while where physical surface ships may not be to have a career in we are still the most powerful Navy in practical. “Over the past two decades,
Oceanography, rather the world, near peer competitors are the Navy’s employment of unmanned
R in Broadcast Meteo- racing to close that gap. The ocean and systems (UxS) has experienced tremen- rology. “At NY Mari- undersea domain is center stage. With dous growth and Naval Oceanography time College, I studied both Meteorol- 70 percent of the world populations liv- remains at the forefront in development ogy and Oceanography and became ing near the ocean, 90 percent of global and operations of the vehicles. equally passionate about Oceanography. trade occurring on the Maritime Com- Naval Oceanography helped lay
Thanks to the U.S. Navy, we have a ca- mons, and over 90 percent of intercon- the groundwork for programs such as reer ? eld in both.” tinental communication traveling on un- the MK18 family of systems,” said By its very nature, the U.S. Navy dersea cables. The ocean matters more RDML Okon. “In fact, Naval Ocean- operates in one of the most discussed now than ever before.” ography, in cooperation with institu- and disected environments on earth, the tions such as WHOI, SCRIPPS, the oceans. The Autonomous Path University of Washington, and the “The ocean is critical to National and The navy continues work on the de- Of? ce of Naval Research, developed
Global Security. Back in the early 90’s velopment of autonomous systems many of the unmanned systems cur- the ocean wasn’t contested, the U.S. across the spectrum, a means to take rently in use throughout the Fleet. was the most powerful Navy and we had people out of harms way and to deliver Additionally, Naval Oceanography 70 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • November 2020
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