Page 45: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 2022)

Green Ship Technologies

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Scania DI13 with eMachine

Image courtesy Scania company’s ser- alter- Alaska. “It’s becoming increasingly im- vice network. native portant to maintain the focus that Scania

The eMachine’s fuels and has on being a leader in helping ensure legacy can be traced back to hybrid/electric that we reduce emissions.”

Scania’s truck department. “This helps propulsion in the U.S. He “Everyone knows that we need to to very much derive outstanding quality said the company is currently targeting change things,” Dabrowski said. “But since we’re further optimizing products the rapidly advancing passenger vessel we still need transport. We just need to that are already heavily tested and veri- market, crew transfer vessels (CTV), do it in a much more sustainable way to ? ed since they’re used in those applica- as well as eco tour and whale watching be able to sustain our global healthy en- tions,” Dabrowski said. tour vessels in places like California and vironment.

There have been others to marinize hybrid and electric products. “An intel- ligent marine hybrid and electric solu-

MAG DRILLS & ANNULAR CUTTERS tion and a product that really has the full

From small lightweight low profile mag drills to insight and the full solution for our cus- large multi-speed models and a wide range of tomers is something totally different,” annular cutters, Hougen has the power, performance

Dabrowski said. “We’re marinizing a & solutions for your holemaking needs.

solution where we control not only the eMachine, we control the batteries, we control the power electronics and aux- iliary equipment, and we manage the whole system.”

According to Hughes, Scania’s eMa- chine arrives amid a big push toward -426-7818SERVICE•INTEGRITY 800-426-7818 SERVICE • INTEGRITY • RELIABILITY HOUGEN.COM 45

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.