Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2024)

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The Path to Zero – Sponsored


The always clean performance solution • • • •

Save fuel Reduce carbon Minimize downtime Maintain biosecurity Improve performance

Revolutionizing Hull Maintenance for a

Sustainable Maritime Future verClean delivers solutions as the maritime industry is

EverClean: A Proactive Solution starting to face the long-standing challenge of biofoul- EverClean’s method to optimize ef? ciency through im-

Eing and its impact on a ship’s performance. proved hydrodynamics meets the needs of an industry aim-

Biofouling is the accumulation of microorganisms, plants, ing to drastically cut emissions. Regular maintenance through algae, or small animals on submerged hull surfaces that sig- EverClean prevents the accumulation of biofouling, by the ni? cantly increase fuel consumption and carbon emissions. continuous removal of biofouling EverClean service ensures

According to the IMO, even a thin layer of slime about 0.5 vessels operate ef? ciently, leading to substantial fuel savings mm thick covering half the hull can increase emissions by up and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

to 20%. Making it clear that addressing biofouling effectively and frequently can play a major role in lowering carbon emis-

Why Proactive Cleaning Matters: sions in shipping. • Early Intervention: Microfouling, if not addressed early, can

Greensea IQ’s EverClean service is leading this transforma- escalate to macrofouling, increasing emissions and fuel usage. tion, by offering a proactive approach to hull maintenance. Addressing biofouling at its earliest stages prevents the sig-

EverClean employs advanced robotics, replacing the tradi- ni? cant performance penalties associated with macrofouling.

tional, reactive cleaning methods with regular, gentle in-water • Environmental Compliance: Regular cleaning ensures ves- cleaning meant to keep hulls “always clean,” ensuring optimal sels meet stringent biofouling management requirements, hydrodynamic performance and signi? cantly reducing fuel such as those recently enacted in Australia. Compliance with consumption and emissions on the ship regardless of the coat- these regulations is increasingly important as global environ- ing or the fuel being used. mental standards become stricter.

All images courtesy of Greensea IQ 18 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • August 2024

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.