Page 19: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2024)
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Key Bene? ts of EverClean: • Enhanced Performance: Regular proactive cleaning leads to a 15% reduction in fuel consumption and emissions, trans- lating to signi? cant savings and environmental bene? ts. This reduction is achieved by maintaining a clean hull, which mini- mizes drag and maximizes fuel ef? ciency.
• Safe for Coatings: Proven safe for various hull coatings, including silicone-based ones, ensuring no damage while maintaining effectiveness. This aspect is crucial as it ex- tends the life of the coatings, reducing the frequency and cost of reapplications.
• Ef? cient Operations: The EverClean robots’ small size and autonomy reduce deployment costs and operational disrup- tions, making it feasible to clean hulls frequently without damaging the coating. This ef? ciency is crucial for main- taining regular cleaning schedules without interrupting ves- sel operations.
• Expanding Coverage: Growing presence in both US and in- era in hull maintenance. Greensea IQ is now scaling our ser- ternational ports and resident on ship options, with new loca- vice to provide the maritime industry with innovative tools tions added monthly to meet global demand. This expansion that enhance vessel performance, reduce emissions, and pro- means that more vessels can bene? t from the EverClean ser- mote sustainability.
vice, contributing to a broader environmental impact.
By embracing these proactive solutions, the maritime in- dustry can achieve signi? cant cost savings, meet ambitious
EverClean IQ: decarbonization targets, and ensure a cleaner, greener future
Intelligent Insights for Informed Decisions for our oceans.
EverClean IQ elevates the EverClean service by lever-
Innovations such as EverClean are transforming the way aging data from each cleaning session to provide detailed the maritime industry approaches hull maintenance. These so- reports on hull status, coating conditions, and biofouling lutions provide comprehensive, proactive cleaning and moni- levels. This intelligence enables shipowners and operators toring capabilities that ensure vessels remain ef? cient and to make informed maintenance decisions, enhancing overall environmentally compliant. As the industry moves towards vessel performance.
more sustainable practices, these technologies will play a cru- cial role in reducing emissions and protecting our oceans.
Features of EverClean IQ:
Adopting these innovative solutions not only bene? ts the • Detailed Reporting: Comprehensive data on fouling rates, environment but also provides substantial ? nancial savings coatings performance, corrosion, and hull deformation. This for vessel owners and operators. The reduction in fuel con- level of detail helps in planning maintenance and avoiding un- sumption and maintenance costs, combined with improved expected issues that could disrupt operations.
vessel performance, makes a compelling case for the wide- • Advanced Monitoring: Continuous video and positional data spread adoption of EverClean.
collection, offering precise, georeferenced insights into hull
Join us in revolutionizing hull maintenance and paving the conditions. This real-time monitoring capability ensures that way for a sustainable maritime future. With proactive clean- shipowners are always aware of their hull’s condition, leading ing and intelligent monitoring, we can achieve signi? cant en- to timely interventions and maintenance.
vironmental and economic bene? t.
By integrating advanced robotics with intelligent data anal- ysis, EverClean IQ provides a comprehensive solution that not only cleans but also monitors and reports on the hull’s
The Author condition. This proactive approach is essential for maintain-
Howard ing optimal performance and achieving environmental goals.
Rob Howard is Chief Growth Of? cer for
Greensea IQ and has been championing
Join the Revolution in Maritime Sustainability the bene? ts of maintaining an always clean
The integration of advanced robotic cleaning, detailed digi- hull since the launch of EverClean in 2021. tal reporting, and precise performance metrics marks a new www.marinelink.com 19
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