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The Path to Zero

MARIN conducted performance tests on

Canopée - a WASP vessel using four OceanWings sails - with Vaisala

WindCube Nacelle lidar.

Photo courtesy of MARIN

Fueling the Future of

Sustainable Shipping with

Wind-Assisted Vessels

By Mikko Nikkanen, Head of Maritime, Weather and Environment, Vaisala ecarbonizing the maritime shipping sector is im- assisted ship propulsion — or WASP — which blends ancient perative in tackling climate change and limiting sailing techniques with cutting-edge engineering. global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above Today’s wind-assisted vessels are not the sailing ships of

Dpreindustrial levels. Despite increasing pressure old but rather sophisticated machines that use rigid sails, ro- to reduce its carbon footprint while maintaining operational tors or wing-like structures to supplement traditional engine ef? ciency, international shipping emissions increased to a re- power and propel vessels, reducing carbon emissions and the cord high in 2022. industry’s reliance on fossil fuels.

As the world grapples with the urgent need to address cli- Regulatory changes and technological advancements are mate change, the global shipping industry — responsible for driving rapid adoption, but the success of wind-assisted ship- approximately 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions — de- ping hinges on a critical factor: the ability to accurately mea- mands innovative solutions to chart a course toward sustain- sure and harness wind power in real time.

ability. Among the most promising advancements is wind- 20 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • August 2024

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.