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An innovative design for San

Francisco pilots.

Watch the full, uncut interview with Glosten

CEO Morgan Fanberg on the Maritime

Matters podcast: source Board (CARB)-compliant, ABS-classed vessel and an “It’s a fascinating vessel, and Larry Glosten with FLIP so- alternative design under SOLAS, the CCRV faced a complex lidi? ed our spot with the research community,” said Fanberg.

regulatory regime. “Research vessels are extremely complex and dif? cult to

Prior to submitting the design for AIP, Glosten completed a design, and it’s because scientists want their vessel to be able week-long risk assessment workshop with the USCG, Scripps, to do everything in a small package. And to do that, it requires

SE, and major equipment providers, Ballard Power Systems a lot of effort on our engineering side using new design tools and Chart Industries. to basically go further with our engineering design and to “We started doing work for the research industry quite a make sure that no details are left unknown.” while ago,” noting its design of the FLIP vessel. Strategically, involvement in the research vessel commu-

The iconic Floating Instrument Platform (FLIP) — was of- nity has helped Glosten to compete globally. “It’s dif? cult for ? cially retired from service in 2023. Built in 1962 with fund- a US-based ? rm to compete on the global market, make no ing from the Of? ce of Naval Research (ONR), FLIP helped mistake about it,” said Fanberg. “But when it comes to this generations of scientists and oceanographers better under- level of complexity, it highlighted our ability to compete more stand the mysteries of the sea, including internal waves, air- broadly. Our avenue going global was really on the backs of sea interaction and long-range sound propagation. FLIP was our research vessel capabilities,” a development that has also owned by the U.S. Navy and managed by Scripps Institution helped Glosten to ? nd new clients in other sectors who also of Oceanography at UCSD. have complex engineering problems to solve.” 33

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.