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CASE FOR DIGITAL TWINS 3D models make a great start for developing a ship’s digital twin, but the story doesn’t start or end there.

By Wendy Laursen ikko Forss, Executive Vice President, ? ciency and helped identify challenges early.

NAPA Design Solutions, recently reminded Others, including ABS, ClassNK, DNV, Nihon Shipyard his audience of a saying, a cautionary say- and VARD, spoke of the practical bene? ts of 3D model-based ing, from MIT researcher Dr. George Wes- class approvals. The exchange of 3D models for class approv- terman: “When digital transformation is als is important because it has opened a dynamic digital dia-

M done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butter? y, but logue between the main actors in ship design: owner, yard, de- when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.” signer and class. Each has a stake in any potential butter? ies,

As a ? rst step, fast is an improvement over slow, as the and each has something to gain beyond speed. speakers at the NAPA User Meeting 2024 attested to. For in- Together, there is now the potential for a new era of digital stance, Kawasaki Heavy Industries demonstrated how it used twins that combine data from these stakeholders and overcome 3D tools to develop a large lique? ed hydrogen carrier design. the current fragmentation of data, models and systems that is

Using one NAPA model from the initial development to detail limiting butter? y development. These digital twins don’t have design stage, the company’s teams worked on out? tting ar- to involve the 3D model that was used to design the ship to rangement and structure simultaneously, which increased ef- deliver insight, but the calculations and assessments will be 34 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • September 2024

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Maritime Reporter

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