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The system 800xA extended operator workstation. Photo: ABB.
users need to enforce a strong safety understands that and then fnd the safety, reliability and plant integrity goals culture that reaches every level — and it answer to the question of how can we requires a holistic approach to integrity has to start at the top. make this foolproof. management. They need to understand
The following are some recommenda- Flag changes: Operators and main- safety, integrity and reliability all link. tions to keep everyone tuned into safety: tenance users get a fag that tells them In essence, they all tie together into a
Use check lists: Create a check list and when systems or devices end up moved management system that should operate then have a co-worker verify the check- off automatic and into manual or in the cohesively to manage risk and achieve list. With tablets becoming more com- case of Piper Alpha which are not usable. the economic goals of the business.
monplace, that will be a big help. Flagging should make workers aware. There are three elements in play when
Foolproofng: Understand and recog- Communication: Workers need to cross undertaking any integrity management nize which operations are highly critical check and talk through an issue; create review: The reliability and integrity of and sit down and make sure everyone a collaboration table where people can the assets, the effectiveness of the sys- have a look at the plant digitally where tems and procedures in place to control they can cross check and look at dia- operation and maintenance of the assets, allow for better decision making, avert- grams and understand the ramifcations and the knowledge and competence of behind decisions. the workforce managing and maintaining ing a disaster.
Don’t rush. the assets.
There must be an understanding
Human factors end up being a key that mistakes will happen. It is just how
Safety and Integrity Management factor in the review from management high, or low, the user wants that risk
Along with keeping people tuned in, understanding and support, communi- to be. Humans will make errors, so a there is also the point where process cations across the lifecycle, establish- robust system is necessary, one that safety and integrity management can ing effective information systems, and takes in everything from understand- come together. Process safety is the pre- an understanding of the design and ing and utilizing automation proce- vention of unplanned and uncontrolled construction features and deterioration dures and putting everything in proper loss of containment from plant and mechanisms by all the relevant groups.
context all the way to control room process equipment that might cause harm Benefts from integrated safety and ergonomics that allow the operator to to people or the environment. That def- integrity management include: remain on his or her toes at all times. • nition works hand in hand with integrity Being in control, resulting in improved management which is the assurance that health, safety and environmental perfor-
Today’s automation technology can plant and equipment are ft and ready mance; full regulatory compliance, and lower the risk factor. While not remov- to go by establishing competent people, business performance benefts, including ing human error entirely, it can help effective systems and dependable assets. higher plant availability, improved out- tighten the human error factor. •
Operators understand to achieve put and more reliable customer provision oedigital.com November 2013 | OE 51 048_OE1113_ABB Safety.indd 51 10/28/13 1:57 AM