Navigational Systems

  • Gerald A. Motta has been named vice president of operations for Waterway Communications System, Inc., by its president, Richard A. Baker. Waterway Communications System, Inc., Jeffersonville, Ind., is responsible for the development of Watercom, a new directdial telephone service for the marine industry.

    Mr. Motta brings over 23 years of telecommunications experience to Watercom. He has extensive senior level management experience with marine electronic systems, including radar, RF/VHF/UHV sys- tems, Omega navigational systems, and HF satellite communications.

    Watercom is a direct-dial telephone network providing the marine industry with improved telecommunications.

    The network serves 4,000 miles of inland waterways with high quality, automated telephone service from land to vessel, vessel to land, and vessel to vessel.

    Service extends to the Mississippi, Ohio and Illinois Rivers and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterways with incidental coverage extending to the tributaries of the waterway and offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

    For more information and free literature on Watercom, Circle 55 on Reader Service Card

  • the hilt," said Mr. Burns. Racal-Decca Marine enjoys a successful track record in all four marine electronics areas: small boat and deepsea radar, navigational systems, radio communications, and autopilots

  • transceiver unit intended to be integrated with a ship's radar, gyrocompass, global positioning system (GPS), and other operational and navigational systems. When fully operational and when functioning properly, it will provide the officer in charge of the navigational watch with a radar display that

  • to unintentional behaviors – “I’m not going to adhere to company rules and perform my duties in a secure way” – or actions such as the hijacking of navigational systems to steal or destroy a vessel, or other acts disruptive to normal operations, typically for monetary gain.The quantitative data from the Functions

  • – the attack is delivered. It spreads. It’s autonomous.”Once ship systems have been infected, it’s open season for the criminal/activist terrorist. Navigational systems can be controlled, resulting in the vessel being shown in a false position, or radar targets being hidden or corrupted, leaving the ship vulnerable

  • equipment installers tackle a variety of tasks from general maintenance and repair, to upgrading electrical systems, to installing state-of-the-art navigational systems. Along with these tasks comes a wide array of maritime risk exposures, both large and small, for which the business owner needs to be adequately

  • entities As crews get smaller and ships get bigger, they increasingly rely on automation and remote monitoring, meaning key components, including navigational systems, can be hacked. Given the nature of the threat the true extent of shipping’s cyber vulnerabilities remains uncertain, but the industry is

  • customer base and service network. Our investments in radar and ECDIS are critical to our ambitions to evolve into a supplier of integrated navigational systems. To be a top three supplier we need to offer a complete portfolio from fishing boats to large containerships.  “Our strategy is to integrate

  • suited to polar areas where ice cover restricts access to the sea surface and adds to the risk of AUV missions. Advancements in data telemetry and navigational systems would mitigate the financial risk associated with the loss of a platform, and more importantly, the scientific data stored on board. Dr. Williams

  • aptitude for operating in harsh conditions. This includes remote sensing, ice management, ocean observation, simulation, telecommunications, and navigational systems, and the best minds in academia, private enterprise, and industry operate in a highly collaborative fashion. The evolution of Newfoundland

  • may well be leading that transition, with some projections for remote-controlled vessels as soon as next year.    Many new technologies (sensors, navigational systems, instrumentation and artificial intelligence, etc.) are rapidly being introduced, with industry codes and regulations struggling to keep pace

  • Question. Maintaining responsibility requires participation.  Managing Automation, Keeping Watch How should mariners practice participation in navigational systems that both exclude them and yet require their attention? To begin with, they must keep asking the Navigational Question: What am I looking at

  • MT Jul-24#31 , Phins 9 Com-
denied navigational systems that enable them)
    July 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 31

    to any data collection tasks, FOGs continue to be part of the GNSS- situation. Exail sold the ? rst of its latest model, Phins 9 Com- denied navigational systems that enable them to do it. pact, to Bedrock for a new modular AUV designed for swift The FOG sensors in an inertial navigation system measure

  • MR Jun-19#15 , with everytthing from-
navigational systems to machinery sys-
    June 2019 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 15

    According to She? , the Naval Dome nostics or perform software upgrades, shipment to end-users. activist terrorist, with everytthing from- navigational systems to machinery sys- tems at their disposal. “Cruises hips are an especially attrac- tive target,” said Sela. “We have already seen the global

  • MR Jul-18#52  health of seafarers; 
navigational systems; asset monitoring)
    July 2018 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 52

    operations, including systems to advance ship design and support shipbuilding oper- ations; systems that monitor the health of seafarers; I navigational systems; asset monitoring systems; and new ? eet management systems. The Auros NX Connector allows users to access and incorporate knowledge stored

  • MT Jan-15#32  in data telemetry and navigational systems would miti- ice-covered)
    January 2015 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 32

    surface and adds to the risk of AUV missions. Advance- namics in the Antarctic but would also be applicable in other ments in data telemetry and navigational systems would miti- ice-covered scenarios,” Dr. Forrest. gate the ? nancial risk associated with the loss of a platform, The polar environment remains

  • MR Sep-14#22 , including navigational systems, can be hacked)
    September 2014 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 22

    As crews get smaller and ships get bigger, they increasingly rely on automation and remote monitoring, meaning key com- ponents, including navigational systems, can be hacked. Given the nature of the threat the true extent of ship- ping’s cyber vulnerabilities remains uncertain, but the industry

  • MR Jun-03#18  other operational and 
navigational systems. When fully oper-
    June 2003 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 18

    transceiver unit intended to be integrated with a ship's radar, gyrocompass, global positioning system (GPS), and other operational and navigational systems. When fully oper- ational and when functioning properly, it will provide the officer in charge of the navigational watch with a radar display

    May 2004 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 54


  • MR May-15-74#45  is to know about ship)
    May 15, 1974 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 45

    how the equipment is developed, manufactured and installed. In other words, so that he would know everything there is to know about ship's navigational systems. Yet for all this, Lim Han Ho is no exception. Because working with him are 3,000 other highly qualified personnel. So that our customers

  • MR May-74#28  is to know about ship)
    May 1974 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 28

    how the equipment is developed, manufactured and installed. In other words, so that he-would know everything there is to know about ship's navigational systems. Yet for all this, Lim Han Ho is no exception. Because working with him are 3,000 other highly qualified personnel. So that our customers

  • MR Oct-15-73#44  is to know about ship)
    October 15, 1973 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 44

    how the equipment is developed, manufactured and installed. In other words, so that he would know everything there is to know about ship's navigational systems. Yet for all this, Lim Han Ho is no exception. Because working with him are 3,000 other highly qualified personnel. So that our customers

  • MR Aug-15-73#30  is to know about ship)
    August 15, 1973 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 30

    how the equipment is developed, manufactured and installed. In other words, so that he would know everything there is to know about ship's navigational systems. Yet for all this, Lim Han Ho is no exception. Because working with him are 3,000 other highly qualified personnel. So that our customers

  • MR May-15-73#31  is to know about ship)
    May 15, 1973 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 31

    how the equipment is developed, manufactured and installed. In other words, so that he would know everything there is to know about ship's navigational systems. Yet for all this, Lim Han Ho is no exception. Because working with him are 3,000 other highly qualified personnel. So that our customers

  • MR Oct-13#24  state-of-the-art navigational systems. Along with these)
    October 2013 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 24

    install-ers tackle a variety of tasks from general maintenance and repair, to upgrading electrical systems, to in-stalling state-of-the-art navigational systems. Along with these tasks comes a wide array of maritime risk expo-sures, both large and small, for which the business owner needs to be ad-equately

  • MN Nov-12#80 , VHF radio and other navigational systems, the  new launches)
    November 2012 - Marine News page: 80

    and Woolwich, where duty of cers observe and report the movement of vessels using a sophisticated network of radar, AIS, VHF radio and other navigational systems, the new launches provided the ?eyes and ears? of the Harbor Masters, out on the river. Designing the vessels took  ve years in all. From

  • MN Aug-11#31  boom, support boats and navigational systems thatcan support)
    August 2011 - Marine News page: 31

    that was established in 1990. Hornbeck's HOS Centerline and HOSStrongline are vessels with oil-skim- ming systems, ocean boom, support boats and navigational systems thatcan support skimming at night and in stormy weather. Hornbeck, based in Covington, La., in late May posted its first quarterly loss in over

  • MT Apr-09#63  with up to date navigational systems. -Experience with)
    April 2009 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 63

    specifications according to navigational charting. -Previous Surveying experience -Exposure to ROV technology -Must have experience with up to date navigational systems. -Experience with Winfrog -Must have great communication skills Project will be a series of 6-8 week trips at sea for about a year, possible

  • MR Sep-96#22  communications, 
navigational systems and engine 
    September 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 22

    equipment, communications, maintenance and administrative needs. With 80 years of experi- ence in maritime communications, navigational systems and engine room monitoring equipment, Mackay is positioned to meet these needs. Keeping safety at sea and cus- tomer compliance with

  • MR May-95#16  a 20-ton 
deck crane, navigational systems and air condi-
    May 1995 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 16

    general refurbishment of the ex- isting cabins to provide luxury class accommoda- tion. New equipment installed includes a 20-ton deck crane, navigational systems and air condi- tioning. Mr. Meilaq is confident regarding the future of the newly enlarged Malta Drydocks following the merger with its

  • MR Nov-93#25  outfitted with new 
navigational systems provided by 
    November 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 25

    vessel. The Silver Seas, 110 feet long with a 20-foot beam, will combine research and treasure hunt- ing. It has been outfitted with new navigational systems provided by Furuno and includes two new radars (48- and 72-mile models), a Global Positioning System (GPS), loran "C", a color video

  • MR Aug-90#64  of the 
latest navigational systems and living quarters)
    August 1990 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 64

    of the Towboat MISSOURI RIVER (ex-AMOCO MIS- SOURI), and vessel spare parts. The boat is outfitted with a full complement of the latest navigational systems and living quarters were completely refurbished in 1989. Vessel general characteristics are: BUILT 1940 REPOWERED 1968 CONVERSION

  • MR Jul-88#5  Card 
tems, Omega navigational systems, 
and HF satellite)
    July 1988 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 5

    literature on the shipbuilding, converting and ship-repairing services of Wartsila- Turku, Circle 47 on Reader Service Card tems, Omega navigational systems, and HF satellite communications. Watercom is a direct-dial tele- phone network providing the ma- rine industry with improved tele- communicat

  • MR Jun-85#12  waters. A 
variety of navigational systems will 
be employed)
    June 1985 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 12

    and construction industry with professional, high accuracy po- sitioning primarily in the Gulf of Mexico and US coastal waters. A variety of navigational systems will be employed, including Syledis, Argo, Mini-Ranger, UHF Transpon- der, as well as conventional tech- niques. For more information

  • MR Nov-09#33  ships and improved navigational systems have made accidents)
    November 2009 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 33

    the 53rd largest spill on record ? but had a major impact on public perception. Today, safety measures, such as double-hulled ships and improved navigational systems have made accidents that result in oil spills much less likely. The Water Encyclopedia reports that the incidence of large spills (those involving

  • MR Jul-09#23  Ansch?tz most modern navigational systems." It was nearly)
    July 2009 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 23

    BOA Offshore. Four new Multi Purpose Supply Vessels and four Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels will be equipped with Raytheon Ansch?tz most modern navigational systems." It was nearly three years that Northrop Grumman Corporation's Sperry Marine unveiled its next-generation marine navigation the VisionMaster