Francis B Bushey

  • Frank T. Stegbauer, executive vice president of Southern Towing Company, Memphis, Tenn., and Caruthersville, Mo., was elected chairman of the board of The American Waterways Operators, Inc. at the Association's recent annual meeting held in Washington, D.C.

    James R. Smith was elected to his fifth consecutive term as president of AWO, and William Cleary was elected to his 22nd annual term as secretary-treasurer at the two-day meeting which attracted the largest attendance in the Association's 33-year history.

    Mr. Stegbauer succeeds John D. Geary, president of Midland Enterprises of Cincinnati, Ohio, after having served as regional vice chairman and chairman of the Coast Guard Liaison Committee.

    The barge line executive joined Southern Towing in 1960, after serving as executive vice president in charge of operations with Warner and Tamble of Memphis, where he had been employed since 1945. Prior to World War II, Mr.

    Stegbauer worked on riverboats as a fireman and deckhand, and during the war he served with the U.S. Eighth Air Force in England as a combat navigator after graduating from the Air Force Aerial Navigation School in 1943.

    Taking over as chairman of the board, Mr. Stegbauer said: "The barge and towing industry faces many vitally important issues which could have a tremendous effect on the entire nation. With the help of the AWO membership, I plan to continue the fine leadership Jack Geary supplied in representing the nation's water transportation industry." Members to serve on the board's Executive Committee during the coming year are: Mr. Stegbauer, board chairman, Mr. Smith, AWO president, the six Regional vice chairmen, Peter Fanchi Jr., Region 1; Robert E. Scatterday, Region 2; O.R. Menton, Region 3; William R. Saul, Region 4; Francis B. Bushey, Region 5; Lester C. Bedient, Region 6. Mr.

    Geary, outgoing board chairman, was appointed, and Neville Stone was reappointed. Edward Renshaw automatically joins the committee, representing the shipyard members as a result of a new bylaw amendment.

  • Corporation, was elected to replace Jack Aguero, whose corporate responsibilities are outside the inland marine industry. Reelected to the board were Francis B. Bushey, president of Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc., Ralph W. Hooper, vice president of Interstate Oil Transport Co., and Harold A. Reinauer

  • Rico Lighterage Company, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Capt. I.G. Ashby, manager, Mobil Oil Corporation, Marine Transportation Department, New York, N.Y.; Francis B. Bushey, president, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc., New York, N.Y.; Ralph W. Hooper, president, Interstate Oil Transport Company, Philadelphia

  • MR Apr-76#33  Department, New York, 
N.Y.; Francis B. Bushey, presi-
    April 1976 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 33

    Lighterage Company, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Capt. I.G. Ashby, manager, Mobil Oil Corporation, Marine Trans- portation Department, New York, N.Y.; Francis B. Bushey, presi- dent, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc., New York, N.Y.; Ralph W. Hooper, president, Interstate Oil Transport Com- pany

  • MR Mar-74#18  to the board were 
Francis B. Bushey, president)
    March 1974 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 18

    , was elected to replace Jack Aguero, whose corporate responsibilities are outside the inland marine industry. Reelected to the board were Francis B. Bushey, president of Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc., Ralph W. Hooper, vice presi- dent of Interstate Oil Transport Co., and Harold

  • MR Mar-15-73#20  Har-
bor Carriers, Inc., San Francisco, 
Calif.; Peter J)
    March 15, 1973 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 20

    .H. Barton Jr., senior vice president, Nashville Bridge Com- pany, Nashville, Tenn.; Lester C. Bedient, general manager, Har- bor Carriers, Inc., San Francisco, Calif.; Peter J. Brix, president, Knappton Towboat Company, Portland, Ore.; Francis B. Bushey, president, Spentonbush Transport Service

  • MR Jul-71#7  for two-year terms were 
Francis B. Bushey, president)
    July 1971 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 7

    of Martin Marietta Corporation, and William Van Pelt, president of the Gowan- us Towing Line. Directors re- elected for two-year terms were Francis B. Bushey, president of Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc.; J. Frank Belford, director of Moran Towing & Transportation Company, Inc.; Henry

  • MR Mar-15-71#17 , Har-
bor Carriers, San Francisco, Calif.; 
Jesse E)
    March 15, 1971 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 17

    , U.S. Area Marine Distribution and Traffic, The Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, Texas; Lester C. Bedient, general manager, Har- bor Carriers, San Francisco, Calif.; Jesse E. Brent, president, Brent Towing Company, Inc., Green- ville, Miss.; Francis B. Bushey, president, Spentonbush Transport

  • MR Mar-71#42  another year. 
They are : Francis B. Bushey, presi-
    March 1971 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 42

    , president, McAllister Lighterage Line, Inc., New York City. Two other directors in Region 5 continue in office for another year. They are : Francis B. Bushey, presi- dent, Spentonbush Transport Serv- ice, Inc., and Robert J. Hughes, president, James Hughes, Inc., both of New York City. The

  • MR Jun-69#30  Com-
mittee, assisted by Francis B. Bushey, presi-
    June 1969 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 30

    with a re- ception in the Basildon Room. William T. Tracy, secretary of M. & J. Tracy, Inc., was chairman of the Banquet Com- mittee, assisted by Francis B. Bushey, presi- dent, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc.; Gerard M. McAllister, vice-president, McAl- lister Brothers, Inc., and Bart J. Turecamo

  • MN Jun-69#30  Com-mittee, assisted by Francis B. Bushey, presi-dent)
    June 1969 - Marine News page: 30

    opened with a re-ception in the Basildon Room. William T. Tracy, secretary of M. & J. Tracy, Inc., was chairman of the Banquet Com-mittee, assisted by Francis B. Bushey, presi-dent, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc.; Gerard M. McAllister, vice-president, McAl-lister Brothers, Inc., and Bart J. Turecamo

  • MR Apr-69#12  River Navigation Company, San Francisco, Calif.; Howard A.)
    April 1969 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 12

    C. Rose Jr., chairman, Rose Barge Line, Inc., Clayton, Mo.; Capt. C. C. Rasmus-sen, president and general man-ager, Bay and River Navigation Company, San Francisco, Calif.; Howard A. Watters, vice-president-transportation, Central Soya Com-pany. Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind., and John W. Weaver, vice-president of

  • MR Apr-15-69#41  to Mr. Tracy, consists of Francis B. Bushey, president)
    April 15, 1969 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 41

    Port of New York, to be held on April 25 in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The Dinner Committee, in addition to Mr. Tracy, consists of Francis B. Bushey, president of Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc.; Gerard M. McAllister, vice-president, McAl-lister Brothers, Inc., and Bart J. Turecamo

  • MR Mar-69#14  Tankers Cor-poration, and Francis B. Bushey, president)
    March 1969 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 14

    to Mr. Hughes, continue in office another year. They are George H. Blohm, vice-president and general manager, Cities Service Tankers Cor-poration, and Francis B. Bushey, president, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc. Mr. Blohm represents private carriers and Mr. Bushey represents other carriers for hire