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The Case The Case This year marks BlueÞ n RoboticsÕ 15th anniversary of being a leader of Autono- mous Underwater Vehicles. In addition to its traditional AUV and battery products, BlueÞ n now offers large- diameter, small-diameter and remotely operated vehicles. Recent contracts include the SMCM UUV, HULS and DSOP programs. All of which leverage BlueÞ nÕs ex- isting technology and assist in advancing the current state of underwater robotics. The Company The Company BlueÞ n Robotics develops, builds, and operates Autono- mous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), subsea batteries, and related technologies for defense, commercial, and scientiÞ c customers world- wide. It offers a full range of modular, free-ß ooded AUV platforms. Using a core set of building blocks, it has designed more than 50 different conÞ gu-rations. This includes more than 70 different sensors on more than 80 AUVs. BlueÞ n seeks to be a full AUV lifecycle provider by offering research and development, technology integration, full-scale manufacturing, platform training, and operations sup- port to our customers. With ample space for equipment and di- rect ocean access, it is able to design, build and test systems all in a single location allowing our team to work efÞ ciently and ef- fectively. No other provider has our depth and breadth of exper- tise and resources dedicated exclusively to AUV development and production. In 1997, BlueÞ n was founded by a core group of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AUV Laboratory, and in 2005 became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Battelle. The Tech The Tech BlueÞ n Robotics continuously advances the state of AUV tech- nology through internal R&D funding as well as through several development contracts. BlueÞ n recently delivered two HAUV-3 vehicles to PMS-EOD for the Hull Unmanned Underwater Vehi- cle Localization Systems (HULS) production systems. HAUV- N, which includes a manipulator arm, will provide a robotic ship hull mine and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) identiÞ cation and neutralization capability for use in Joint Service Explosive Ordnance Disposal. With regard to the other BlueÞ n platforms, the company has been subcontracted by General Dynamics AIS to design and deliver SMCM UUV KnifeÞ sh, a special- ized BlueÞ n-21 UUV System for the Mine Countermeasures Mission Package on board the Littoral Combat Ships. BlueÞ n is also designing a small-diameter expendable vehicle customized for Anti-Submarine Warfare and a very deep-rated BlueÞ n-21 for the Deep Sea Operations (DSOP) Technology and System Development Program sponsored by DARPA. Along side Bat- telle and The Columbia Group, BlueÞ n is developing Proteus, a large-diameter Dual-Mode UUV that will function as a testbed. BlueÞ n recently expanded its product line to include Remotely Operated Vehicles by purchasing the assets of Hawkes Remotes. The designs offer scalable, modular solutions including a thin Þ ber-optic tether and on-board batteries that will reduce the total cost of ownership/operating costs while simultaneously outper- forming existing ROV technology. The company is currently building its Þ rst prototype. Lastly, BlueÞ n is engaged in several battery projects focusing on using BlueÞ nÕs standard 1.5 kWh subsea batteries as well as new, custom designs. 553 South Street, 553 South Street, Quincy, Mass. Quincy, Mass. Tel: (617) 715-7000 Tel: (617) 715-7000 Email: info@blue Þ nro- Email: info@blue Þ nro- Website: blue Þ nrobot- Website: blue Þ nrobot- President/CEO President/CEO: David P.Kelly Marketing Director/Sales arketing Director/Sales Manager Manager: Omer Poroy Engineering Directo Engineering Directo rr: Louis Quartararo Fa Facilitycility: BlueÞ n?s head- quarters is a 55,000 sq. ft. facility in Quincy, Mass., with direct ocean access. The newly renovated build- ing houses all engineering, manufacturing, marine operations, and administra-tive functions. Testing C esting Capabilities apabilities: Three saltwater test tanks, pres- sure chamber, machine shop, 58-ft. workboat, RHIB for shallow-water and case- boat support, knuckle- boom crane rated for 1-ton at 10-meter. BLUEFIN ROBOTICS CORPORATION BLUEFIN ROBOTICS CORPORATION 18 MTRJuly/August 2012 MTR #6 (18-33).indd 18MTR #6 (18-33).indd 188/1/2012 1:22:02 PM8/1/2012 1:22:02 PM

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