Page 62: of Marine Technology Magazine (July 2012)
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Quest Marine Services provides a wide range of services to clients based primarily in the North East United States. Marine surveying and consulting services are provided world- wide. Quest Marine services include ocean engineering sup-port, submerged cultural resource management, research and development of oceanographic engineering systems support services. The company also provides instrumentation deploy- ment, testing and recovery, remote sensing operations and sur- veys, as well as bathymetric surveys. The bulk of operations at Quest Marine Services are vessel based at sea evolutions. The majority of those operations take place from the research vessel QUEST. The R/V QUEST is a multidisciplinary research vessel based at Fairhaven Shipyard Companies, North Yard, in Fairhaven Massachusetts. The QUEST was rebuilt in 1997-98 as a dedicated research ves- sel custom tailored to operations in New England waters. The work deck is set up in modular fashion; equipment can be set up to suit the speciÞ c needs of a project including scientiÞ c study support, cable laying, diving and salvage operations, and has worked as a support platform for Þ lm crews. Complex survey and salvage operations have been accom- plished at open ocean locations in water depths well in ex- cess of 200 fsw. Some survey operations have been performed close to the limit of manned diving technology. Safety and professionalism is paramount in all diving operations. Quest Marine divers continually take part in training to remain cur- rent on the latest diving techniques and methods. Equipment is maintained to the highest standards and continually upgrad-ed. All Quest Marine divers are trained in diving accident and emergency oxygen management. Quest Marine Services sur- veyors and divers have a wide range of experience investigat- ing marine accidents. This experience gives Quest Marine the ability to provide expert marine accident and forensic investi- gation services. Quest MarineÕs resource pool includes naval architects, metallurgists, marine surveyors, merchant marine ofÞ cers and divers with law enforcement backgrounds. QUEST MARINE SERVICESQUEST MARINE SERVICES502 Sconticut Neck Road Fairhaven, MA 02719 502 Sconticut Neck Road Fairhaven, MA 02719 Tel: (508) 990-3802 Tel: (508) 990-3802 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website: CEO: Eric Takajian Employees: 10 EvoLogics GmbH Ackerstrasse 76, D-13355 Berlin Tel. +49 30 4679 862-0 [email protected] EvoLogics is a Germany-based high- tech enterprise. It was founded in 2000 by a group of international scientists and R&D experts to develop innovative key technologies for the aerospace, mari-time and offshore industries through interdisciplinary cooperation between engineering and life sciences.Recently the company announced that the SUNSET networking framework now includes drivers for EvoLogics hardware. With the release of its re- cent Add-On package v1.0, the SUN- SET (Sapienza University Networking framework for underwater Simulation, Emulation and real-life Testing) net- working framework now includes driv- ers for Evologics underwater acoustic modems. The SUNSET package was developed at the SENSES (SEnsors NetworkS and Embedded Systems) laboratory of the Computer Science De-partment at University of Rome ÒLa Sa- pienza.Ó Based on the popular network simulator ns-2 and its ns-miracle exten- sion, SUNSET is an open source devel- oper solution for simulation, emulation and real-life testing of communication protocols, proven well-suitable for the underwater environment. In the emula- tion mode, SUNSET interfaces the pro- tocol stack with external hardware de- vices including commercial underwater acoustic modems, sensors and mobile underwater platforms. Based on the SUNSET experience, ÒLa SapienzaÒ has started a spinoff company named WSENSE S.r.l. which will ex- ploit new technologies and solutions for underwater monitoring systems. Any EvoLogics underwater communi- cation or positioning device with Þ rm-ware versions 1.4 and 1.6 can be con- nected to a host-PC or an embedded device (Gumstix, PC104 or other ARM- based system) running SUNSET via ei-ther Ethernet or RS-232. The SUNSET generic modem driver and the SUNSET EvoLogics driver then handle the cross- layer messages between the ns-2 and the modem, enabling the tested protocol stack with real acoustic transmissions.The integration between EvoLogics modems and SUNSET was successful-ly tested during various Þ eld experi- ments, including tests of novel routing protocols at the NATO Undersea Re- search Centre (NURC), communica- tion interface trials for remote AUV control, trials for an underwater envi- ronment monitoring network that in- cludes sensors for temperature, CO2 and methane concentration measure- ments etc. July/August 2012 62 MTRMTR #6 (50-65).indd 62MTR #6 (50-65).indd 628/3/2012 10:52:29 AM8/3/2012 10:52:29 AM