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Turner Designs has provided sensitive, reliable, easy-to-use ß uorometers to the marine community for more than 40 years. The company contends that it supplies more Þ lter ß uorom- eters than any other company. Turner Designs provides innovative ß uorescence-based solu- tions for basic environmental research, water quality analy- sis, environmental monitoring, and pollution control analy- sis. Turner Designs is continuously expanding its repertoire of optical instruments to meet new application requirements. Standard optical conÞ gurations include in vivo and extracted Chlorophyll, blue-green algal pigments such as phycocyanin and phycoerythrin, active ß uorescence for measuring ß uores-cence yield in marine research as well as ballast-water com- pliance checking, Dissolved Organic Matter (Algal as well as Terrestrial), ammonium, optical brighteners and tryptophan for wastewater monitoring, dye tracers, and crude and reÞ ned oils as well as infrared wavelengths used to detect turbidity. Custom optical conÞ gurations are readily available for most packages. Standard package conÞ gurations include submers- ible, handheld, Þ eld, laboratory, online, and conÞ gured for in- tegration into vehicles. Data acquisition is available real-time and through several datalogging possibilities. Submersible instruments can be conÞ gured for depth proÞ ling, long-term monitoring and hor- izontal mapping with GPS-integration at depths up to 6000 meters. Solid Secondary Standards which enable quick instru-ment veriÞ cation and calibration checks are available for most applications and are known to hold their value over several years of usage.TURNER DESIGNS TURNER DESIGNS 845 W Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, Calif. 94085 845 W Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, Calif. 94085 Fax: 408-749-0998 Fax: 408-749-0998 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Website: CEO/President: James Crawford CEO/President: James Crawford Vice President Pam Mayerfeld Vice President Pam Mayerfeld WFS is a leader in the delivery of subsea wireless instru- mentation and control solutions to the Offshore Oil & Gas and Renewables industries worldwide. The company employs 20 staff, mainly in the Edinburgh ofÞ ce, with representation in Houston. Now in its 10th year of business, WFS launched what it claims was the worldÕs Þ rst commercially available underwater radio modem, seatooth S200, in 2006. Its broad- band data link, now known as seatooth S300, was launched in January 2007 and later that year, the worldÕs Þ rst hybrid Radio/Acoustic modem was launched to the subsea market. In 2010, our compact modem seatooth¨ S100 arrived, closely followed by our subsea wireless video camera, viewtooth¨ in 2011. Our Wireless Power Transfer solution was launched this year in April. The Tech: The Tech: WFSÕs game-changing products have revolutionised control, communications and power transfer in underwater environ- ments. Subsea wireless technology based on radio frequency (RF) has the distinct advantage that it will operate in adverse water conditions, is unaffected by acoustic noise, operational in shallow water, is immune to multipath and its Doppler ef- fects are minimal. Hybrid products incorporating radio (i.e. acoustic, power, optical) build on the beneÞ ts afforded by RF to offer even more ß exible and robust solutions for subsea challenges in deep water. Critically, WFS products support data transmission across the water/air and ground/air bound- aries, cutting through the surf zone, ice, harbour walls, and other materials normally considered to be impenetrable. WFS is successfully addressing a broad range of short/medium range applications, supporting safety, reliability and efÞ cien-cy offshore. These include deployments in the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico and SE Asia and include; ¥ Wireless subsea video (saving ROV time and improving reliability) ¥ Wireless data gathering from subsea sensors using an ROV or AUV (fast reliable download without physical connection) ¥ Wireless backup to maintain control of equipment, trigger alarms or initiate emergency sequence (providing an extra level of redundancy and real-time alerting) ¥ Wireless powering and recharging of subsea equipment and sensors without the use of wet mate connectors (downtime if the connection fails). WFS: W IRELESS FOR SUBSEA WFS: W IRELESS FOR SUBSEA 7 Houstoun Interchange Business Park, Livingston, 7 Houstoun Interchange Business Park, Livingston, West Lothian, UK EH54 5DW West Lothian, UK EH54 5DW Tel: 845-862-6600 Tel: 845-862-6600 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Website: CEO/President: Brendan Hyland CEO/President: Brendan HylandNumber of Employees: 20 Number of Employees: 20 Annual Sales: $3,900,000.00 Annual Sales: $3,900,000.00MTR100July/August 2013 76 MTRMTR #6 (66-80).indd 76MTR #6 (66-80).indd 767/23/2013 9:16:59 AM7/23/2013 9:16:59 AM

Marine Technology

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