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software for visualizing scientiÞ c 4D/5D data. Makai Ocean Engineering takes pride in its extensive record of success in achieving innovative solutions to difÞ cult problems for its partners and clients and continues to serve leading industrial and commercial Þ rms as well as federal, state and local gov- ernments worldwide. Makai products include: Route and Installation Planning Software: MakaiPlan is a software product which can be used to create submarine cable routes, deÞ ne cables and in-line bodies, edit routes, de- Þ ne and adjust slack, instantly create an RPL and SLD, esti- mate costs. There are more than 300 licenses sold. MakaiPlan Pro is designed to allow the user to perform powerful and pre- cise 3-D, dynamic simulations of a submarine cable installa-tion. Entire lays can be simulated in advance 50 times faster than real-time and is used for training cable engineers, for pre-lay and post-lay analysis, and to create a detailed Ship Plan for installation. Lay Software: The heart of MakaiÕs cable lay software is a powerful 3-D cable model that incorporates all signiÞ cant factors inß uencing the position and control of the cable dur- ing installation: full 3-D modeling, complex cables and shapes that change with time, irregular bottom terrain and complete current proÞ les. Numerous cable types and cable bodies can be incorporated into a single cable lay or recovery. These pro- grams are suitable for all ocean depths and cable laying speeds and have been fully validated over the last two decades. Planet OSPlanet OS platform is designed to reduce the time related to decision-making involving sensor data by 80%, enabling to se- curely organize and distribute all data assets in one location Ñ ingest and curate data ß ows, manage users and access control, inspect individual platforms and data streams. Founded by Estonian entrepreneurs in 2012 as Marinexplore, Planet OS Inc., is a Silicon Valley based big data company focused on providing the worldÕs most powerful platform for analyzing vast data sets taken from millions of sensors around the planet. The Planet OS platform helps sensor-connected in- dustries and governments to systematically analyze their sen- sor data using a single platform. Planet OS investors includes Intertrust Technologies, Philips and angel investors from the energy, automation, cloud software and resource management sectors. The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Califor- nia, with ofÞ ces in Los Angeles, Houston, and its biggest of- Þ ce in Tallinn, Estonia. Planet OS is an analytical data platform between databases and applications, automating data transformation, accessibility and on-demand visualizations. The platform has a broad range of applications including real-time environmental monitoring of oil platform operations, data discovery and fusion for data centers, accessibility of disparate data sources through APIs, automated data transformation of disparate sources, data dis-semination from unmanned vehicles to end-users and data vi- sualization of entire datasets. The same technologies apply to a broad variety of industries from agriculture to urban planning as well as shipping and transportation. Planet OS is designed for multi sensor and model data. It has integrated data management and fusion for satellites, remote sensors, in-situ devices, high frequency radars, geospatial sys- tems and simulation models.Spatio-temporal storage enables easy-to-access data from sensors and machines with spatial and temporal content. Ex-tensible software components integrate diverse sensor and ma- chine data in an index for fast querying and interaction. MTR MTR 100 100Planet OSJuly/August 2014 42 MTRMTR #6 (34-49).indd 42MTR #6 (34-49).indd 427/30/2014 9:33:36 AM7/30/2014 9:33:36 AM