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people involved in marine electronics proposes an API – compatible with all

GeoGarage innovation for more than 20 years each, the online technologies – to third-par- immeuble Hub Creatic, 6 rue Rose previously responsible with profession- ties allowing them to embed the charts

Dieng Kuntz al experiences in launching innovative, layers in their own applications.

Nantes, Region Pays de la Loire, including MaxSea, which was one of The web and mobile platform proposes

France 44300 the ? rst software designed for marine online subscriptions to third-parties in

T: +33953057244 navigation, to the ? rst 3D ’? ythrough’ order to use the nautical charts directly

E: [email protected] sea? oor mapping integrated in Olex issued from international Hydrographic

W: software. This now extends as it has Of? ces and regularly updated in the

GeoGarage is a web and mobile nau- pioneered nautical web and mobile GeoGarage Cloud solution in their own tical charts platform.

mapping, it claims. The GeoGarage applications.

GeoGarage was founded by two

SCHOTTEL formed a new subsidiary - SCHOTTEL

HYDRO GmbH incorporating the company’s hydroki- netic energy business. SCHOTTEL HYDRO comprises activities in three segments: hydrokinetic turbines, semi-submerged platforms and components, such as turbine hubs and drives. The new subsidiary is located in Spay, Germany, while around 100 SCHOTTEL sales and service locations ensure customer proximity worldwide.

“Since a few years we have been working on the development of highly ef? cient, reliable and cost- effective solutions for gaining in stream energy,” explained Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jensen, CEO of SCHOT-

TEL. “SCHOTTEL HYDRO allows us to dedicate even more to hydrokinetic energy solutions. By now we are involved in projects around the world and aim at a full penetration of the emerging hydrokinetic energy market with our solutions and products.“

SCHOTTEL described its hydrokinetic turbines as lightweight, yet robust instream generators, with a ro- tor diameter between three and ? ve meters. Depending on the current velocity, one turbine produces between 54 and 70 kW rated, grid-ready electric power. Higher power demands are met by combining several turbines in one installation. Each of the turbines is connected to a frequency converter feeding into a common DC bus installed on the tidal platform. The turbines can be implemented in rivers, sea straits and tidal races off- shore in jetty, semi-submerged or submerged platforms in varying numbers.


Together with the subsidiary TidalStream Ltd. the platform to align to the direction of the ? ow. Buoy-

SCHOTTEL HYDRO offers the semi-submerged ancy is provided by two spar buoys which hold a vari- ? oating platform TRITON. TRITON platforms can be able number of cross arms. The turbines are mounted adapted to host turbines of different designs and sizes. on the cross arms. The platform is especially main-

Effective use of tidal energy in water depth up to 90 tenance friendly: The electronic system is accessible meters and a generating power of up to 10 MW in a in the spar buoys and by emptying or ? lling of ballast single installation are feasible. tanks the platform switches between operating and

The platform is attached to a gravity-base, drilled pile maintenance position. This platform will be installed in or pinned frame anchor point. A universal joint allows 2016 in the Bay of Fundy, Canada.

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.