Page 60: of Marine Technology Magazine (October 2015)
AUV Operations
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Event Preview: Oceans 2015
Measurement Technology NW Oceaneering International. Inc.
Rowe Technologies
Booth 638 Booth 409, 411 www.lci.mtnw-usa.com www.oceaneering.com
Booth 234, 236
MetOcean Data Systems Oceanology International - Reed Exhibitions
Rowe Technologies designs, develops and
Booth 701 Booth 726 manufactures acoustic Doppler current pro? l- www.metocean.com www.oceanologyinternational.com ers for applications in oceans, lakes and rivers.
Its products blend the most established and
Metocean Data Systems OceanServer Technology modern acoustic Doppler sonar technologies
Booth 522 into a broad and versatile product line of high www.metocean.com Booth 538 performance sonars, for current pro? le and vehicle bottom velocity measurements.
National Oceanographic Partnership Program OceanServer provides OEMs with power www.rowetechinc.com (NOPP) solutions, sensors and robotics for a variety
Booth 408 of applications. OceanServer’s products are
Saab Seaeye www.nopp.org designed to be cost effective and easy to integrate into customer equipment. Fully engi-
Booth 429
Nautilus Marine Service neered and well-documented subsystems can
Booth 601 reduce time-to-market and enable new solu-
Saab Seaeye manufactures electric powered www.nautilus-gmbh.com tions for real-world application challenges.
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) systems www.ocean-server.com for a wide range of professional applications.
Naval Research Laboratory
Its range now includes Saab’s underwater
Booth 400, 402, 404, 406 Oceanworks International, Inc.
vehicle range of tethered, autonomous and www.nrl.navy.mil Booth 735 hybrid underwater vehicle systems for the www.oceanworks.com defense industry. The range extends from
Naval Undersea Warfare Center the portable Seaeye Falcon to the revolution-
Booth 504 Okeanus Science & Technology LLC ary electric work class Seaeye Jaguar.
www.navsea.navy.mil/nuwc/newport/pages/ Booth 200 www.seaeye.com techpartner.aspx www.okeanus.com
NOAA Phoenix International
Booth 505, 507 Booth 509, 511
Booth 541 www.noaa.gov www.phnx-international.com
SBG Systems supplies miniature, high
Nortek Piezo-Kinetics, Inc.
performance and innovative motion sensing
Booth 629 Booth 440 solutions, including Inertial Measurement Unit www.nortekusa.com www.piezo-kinetics.com (IMU), GPS enhanced Attitude and Heading
Reference System (AHRS) based on MEMS
Ocean Aero Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP sensors for industrial, defense and research
Booth 441 Booth 438 projects such as unmanned vehicle control, www.oceanaero.us www.pillsburylaw.com antenna tracking, camera stabilization and surveying applications.
Ocean Business Polymer Corporation www.sbg-systems.com
Booth 606 Booth 328 www.oceanbusiness.com www.polymercorporation.com
Sea-Bird Scienti? c
Booth 500, 502
Ocean Networks Canada PREVCO Subsea Housings www.sea-birdscienti? c.com
Booth 733 Booth 615, 617 www.oceannetworks.ca www.prevco.com
Sea? oor Systems, Inc.
Booth 641
Ocean Sonics Ltd.
Pro-Oceanus www.sea? oorsystems.com
Booth 536
Booth 526 www.pro-oceanus.com
Booth 634
Ocean Sonics is an ocean technology com- QPS, Inc www.seatechrim.ru pany that designs and manufacturers digital Booth 540 hydrophones, a product that measures ocean www.qps-us.com
Severn Marine sounds and helps provide greater insight into
Booth 510 those sounds, introducing a better way to listen RBR Ltd.
www.severnmarinetech.com in the ocean. Its icListen Smart Hydrophones Booth 620 are used by scientists, environmental assess- www.rbr-global.com
Sidus Solutions LLC ment specialists, engineers and ? eld opera-
Booth 716 tions personnel. Remote Ocean Systems www.sidus-solutions.com www.oceansonics.com Booth 434 www.rosys.com
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