Page 8: of Marine Technology Magazine (November 2015)
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Leading Off
Earl Childress discusses
Teledyne Marine’s ‘One-Team’ Mantra
By Eric Haun eledyne has spent much of the past 10 years consolidating the
Tmarine technology market, iden- tifying and acquiring some of the sec- tor’s top brands along the way. Now as the group continues its growth and development facing a market more con- strained by sustained low oil prices,
Teledyne Marine aims to deliver more value – to do more with less – by taking a “one team approach.” “The idea of ‘one team’ is a journey from cooperation to collaboration,” said
Earl Childress, Executive Vice Presi- dent – Teledyne Marine, Sales, Market-
Photo: Teledyne Marine ing and Business Development and Vice
From left: Earl Childress; Zdenka Willis, and Mike Read at the
President / General Manager – Teledyne
AG Geophysical.
In the past, customers seeking a va- riety of Teledyne products would often nology Workshop (TMTW) in October. dyne Technologies; who discussed how need to separately acquire those pieces The newly expanded users workshop, Teledyne Marine’s “one team” approach from the company’s different brands. which Childress called a “soft opening encompasses the group’s effort to pro-
But with the new one team approach, for the one team approach,” was held in vide a broader “sea of solutions,” from customers can now obtain the full ca- San Diego, and featured three days of sensors to vehicles to analytical tools pacity of Teledyne instrumentation, industry discussion, learning and explo- and technologies, as the group has spent technology and software on one order ration addressing the user experience in some $2.1 billion on acquisitions over with one point of contact. regards to an extensive lineup of marine the last 10 years to incrementally ex- products, applications and technologies. Childress gave the example of a com- pand its offering to customers and end
The TMTW, which builds upon Tele- mercial ROV operator, who under many users.
circumstances would typically require a dyne RDI’s ADCPs in Action (AiA) Us- Throughout the TMTW, those same customized solution including products ers Conferences and Teledyne Marine customers and end users were given from a dozen or more vendors. “Our Acoustic Imaging’s Underwater Tech- a chance to discuss and learn from in- message is you can do that under one nology Seminars (UTS), ultimately of- dustry experts via training sessions, on- purchase order, one warranty, one point fers attendees a chance to experience water demonstrations, networking op- of contact, yet we’ll give you access to the expanding and far-reaching compo- portunities and various speaker tracks, the technical people so that we can cus- nents that make up Teledyne Marine, as including offshore energy; oceano- tomize that solution to ? t you’re packag- customers and Teledyne staff members graphic research and hydrography; civil ing and requirements, more speci? cally collectively address a diverse range of engineering, river and stream monitor- topics. on a customer by customer basis,” Chil- ing; and security and defense.
In all, the event gathered some 240 dress said. From the surface to the sea? oor, these “And in an environment like we have registrants and 120 Teledyne staff mem- subsectors make up a dynamic and ab- today where everything is about how bers, each calling upon a “sea of solu- solutely vital industry, as pointed out by to lower costs, we think that’s a value tions” to play his or her part in the ex- Zdenka Willis, Director of the U.S. Inte- pansive ocean observation space. proposition that makes a lot of sense.” grated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
Re? ecting this business model, the Delivering the event’s ? rst keynote Program, who in the event’s second key- group’s spirit of “collaboration” was on speech was Dr. Robert Mehrabian; note discussed why ocean observation is
Chairman, CEO and President of Tele- full display at the Teledyne Marine Tech- important to everyone, every day.
November/December 2015 8
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