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Case Studies
Image: Kongsberg Maritime
Greek Survey Uncovers Underwater Antiquities
A marine geophysical and hydrographic survey off Me- was conducted under the auspices of the Greek Ephorate of thoni, Greece uncovered a number of underwater antiquities, Underwater Antiquities (Ministry of Culture and Sports) with including historical shipwrecks, the town’s ancient submerged support from Norwegian-based marine technology company pier and harbor, as well as ruins of the submerged prehistoric Kongsberg Maritime.
town – all mapped in 2D and 3D with the use of hydrographic The geoarchaeological survey, which was undertaken within and geophysical instrumentation. Led by a team of marine the Evolved GE.N.ESIS (A marine GEophysical investigatioN geophysicists from the Laboratory of Marine Geology and for marine knowledge and the anthESIS of Methoni) project,
Physical Oceanography at the University of Patras, the survey aimed to highlight the Blue Growth potential in the Methoni
Kongberg OSV Simulator for Bibby Training
Bibby Ship Management India Pvt. Ltd. contracted for a source Management and Pilotage.
Kongsberg Offshore Vessel Simulator (KOVS) including an The existing Kongsberg DP simulator will also be up- upgrade of the customer’s existing Kongsberg Dynamic Po- graded to a DP 2 simulator ful? lling DNV/NI class A re- sitioning (DP) simulator in Mumbai, representing the ? rst quirement as part of the project. The DP simulator will be
KOVS in India. The Bibby Training Institute Mumbai has integrated with the KOVS, providing the possibility to run already helped to grow the number of certi? ed Indian DP DP2 courses with sea time reduction in addition to complete operators, from 60 when it opened in 2006 to more than offshore vessel training.
1000 today. Simon Barham, COO, Bibby Ship Management Group “This addition to the training center will open up new av- said: “This is an excellent opportunity to increase the num- enues for Indian seafarers who will have the opportunity ber of courses which are being offered by Bibby Training to learn on high-end simulation technology,” said Prakash Institute Mumbai. The new simulator will make it possible
Agarwal, Managing Director, Bibby Ship Management In- to provide modern training courses to the industry, which dia Pvt. Ltd. are the need of the hour.” “Our new simulator will add a lot of value to what we “This contract is vindication of our commitment to the have been doing so far and will help to meet the need for Indian market and re? ects the relationship of trust and reli-
Indian crew certi? ed in specialist operations.” ability that we have with our customers. We have recently
The scope of supply for the delivery includes a Kongs- moved into our own building and I believe that this gives berg Offshore Vessel Simulator with visual scene, featur- customers more con? dence that Kongsberg Maritime is a ing Anchor Handling vessel, Shuttle Tanker and Drilling long-term partner in India,” said Capt. Sanjiv Wagh, Gen-
Rig models, enabling advanced offshore operations exer- eral Manager Sales, Kongsberg Maritime India Pvt. Ltd.
cises and courses covering: Manual Handling OSV, Anchor Kongsberg Maritime has also received an order from Bib-
Handling, Offshore Loading, Position Reference, Drilling by Ship Management’s Bibby Ukraine Training Center to
Rig Operation, Power Management, Ship Maneuvering, upgrade its existing Kongsberg DPS to the latest require-
Advanced ECDIS, Bridge Team Management, Bridge Re- ments for a NI (Nautical Institute) Class B DP Simulator.
November/December 2015 20 MTR
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