Page 46: of Marine Technology Magazine (November 2015)
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People & Company News
Bjorøy Teledyn Tech Workshop EuroROV (Photo: Teledyne Marine) (L to R): EuroROV co-founders, Sebastain Ruiz,
Adrian Tramallino, Sebastian Ruggirello.
ogies in challenging environments rang- of Teledyne Technologies provided in-
Sonardyne Appoints Bjorøy
Sonardyne International Ltd. appointed ing from the shallowest streams to the sight into Teledyne Technologies strat-
Robin Bjorøy as its new Managing Di- deepest recesses of the ocean. egy within the marine market space, rector. Bjorøy succeeds John Ramsden Nineteen of the 23 Teledyne Marine and announced the restructure of the who leaves the position after six years in organizations took part in the workshop, Teledyne Marine companies as a one charge to return to Singapore following which entailed four concurrent morning stop solution provider (See related story a transition period. Bjorøy joins Sonar- tracks detailing customer applications p. 8). The second keynote speaker was dyne with immediate effect and brings ranging from water resources, coastal Zdenka Willis, director of NOAA’s with him extensive operational and engineering and oceanographic research U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing management experience gained over a to hydrography, defense and offshore System (IOOS) Program. As Willis 27 year international career with Geco- energy. The event also included eight describes in her ? rst-person account of
Prakla, WesternGeco and Schlumberg- concurrent afternoon tracks dedicated TMTW 2015, her “message to the group er. Bjorøy has served in seismic ? eld to Teledyne Marine product and soft- was threefold: ocean observing matters surveys, product development, survey ware training, case studies, and new to everybody, talk about the sector in design and management roles interna- product launches; as well as on water terms of economic value, and encour- tionally including Middle East, Africa and dockside product demonstrations. age us to bring our voices together to and Asia as well as in the UK. Bjorøy Demonstrations ranged from the latest be heard.” Participating Teledyne Ma- worked in Houston as the global QHSE in ROV and diver technology to ADCPs, rine product brands included: Teledyne manager for the Well Completions and surface vehicles and imaging, including AGG, ATLAS Hydrographic, Benthos,
Productivity segment. the newly released SeaBat T50-P mul- BlueView, Bowtech, CDL, DGO, Ga- tibeam echosounder from RESON, and via, Impulse, Odom Hydrographic, the Active Flying Lead family (AFL) Oceanscience, ODI, PDM, RD Instru-
Teledyne Marine: Joint Tech from ODI. ments, RESON, SeaBotix, Storm Cable,
Workshop a Success
Teledyne Marine announced that the In addition to the Teledyne Marine TSS and Webb Research group has successfully hosted its ? rst companies, 19 other manufacturers and
EuroROV Chooses Sub-Atlantic combined users’ conference, the Tele- suppliers from across the industry par- dyne Marine Technology Workshop ticipated in the inaugural event, sharing EuroROV, the Spanish ROV training (TMTW), October 4-7, 2015 in San relevant products and services as of? cial and engineering company, has taken de-
Diego, Calif. More than 240 custom- TMTW event exhibitors / sponsors. livery of a Forum Sub-Atlantic Mojave ers from around the globe attended the The workshop was kicked off by two vehicle for its newly-launched ROV pi- event, which detailed the utilization of keynote speakers. Dr. Robert Mehra- lot training facility. The electric ROV
Teledyne Marine products and technol- bian, Chairman, President and CEO was manufactured by Sub-Atlantic’s
November/December 2015 46
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