Page 49: of Marine Technology Magazine (November 2015)
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focused sizeable investment within its
Linden Photonics, Tethers geotechnical division, with the addi-
Unlimited Team
Linden Photonics entered an exclusive tion of a Datem 5000 CPT, which in partnership with Tethers Unlimited. conjunction with the expanding pool of
Tethers, located in Bothell, Wash., was vibrocorers, grabs and in house labs en- founded in 1994 and has developed ables them to offer a complete package technology to enable high-speed deploy- of geotechnical services.
ment of optical ? bers and cable. Appli-
Bourbon Orders ROV LARS cations can be as varied as submarine launched buoys and torpedoes, to ROVs Kongsberg Maritime subsidiary Kongs- to terrestrial robots and even spacecraft. berg Evotec signed an agreement with
Optical tethers can range in length from Bourbon Offshore Norway for the de- <100m to >15km and can use bare ? ber livery of the E-LARS launch and recov- or ruggedized STFOCTM. Together the ery system for remote operated vehicles brands will offer a tether solution com- (ROV). The system, to be delivered in bining Linden’s cable technology with December 2015, will be installed on an new VARD 2-12 ARCTIC design sank to the bottom of the Paci? c Ocean.
Tether’s spooling capabilities.
AHTS vessel, which is developed for The incident led to the death of two worldwide operations, including arctic crew members and ended the Navy’s
Aker Solutions, MAN D&T Form quest to use airships as long-range regions.
Subsea Compression Alliance scouts for the ? eet.
Aker Solutions and MAN Diesel & Tur-
The recent expedition was led by ar-
Ashtead Supports Exploration bo agreed to form an alliance to develop chaeologists from the National Oce- of US Airship Wreckage the next generation in subsea compres- sion systems that can be used at even the Ashtead Technology has been support- anic and Atmospheric Administration smallest oil and gas ? elds to increase ing attempts to explore the wreckage (NOAA), the Naval History and Heri- recovery and lower costs compared with of the USS Macon, the United States tage Command’s Underwater Archae- ology Branch, and Ocean Exploration conventional platform solutions. Navy’s last ? ying airship.
Designed for long-range scouting, the Trust to piece together a clearer map
The two companies will build on their experience and cooperation from the airship crashed off the coast of Califor- of the wreck site and to study how the successful delivery of the world’s ? rst nia in 1935 when it was returning to remains of the airship were being con- the Moffett Federal Air? eld following sumed by the sea.
full-scale subsea gas compression sys- tem at the Åsgard ? eld in Norway. A key a successful exercise over the Channel Ashtead provided subsea inspection objective of the partnership is to develop Islands, Southern California. A storm equipment to study the wreckage and caused extensive damage to the airship, carry out an in-depth corrosion analysis new, cost-effective technology for high- control was lost and the USS Macon on the aircraft to monitor deterioration.
capacity subsea compression systems.
The compression systems will be based on proven technology and for use at small subsea ? elds as well as large de- posits such as Åsgard.
Coastline Surveys Launches
Offshore Division
Coastline Surveys launched Coastline
Offshore Ltd., a new division of the company speci? cally developed to meet the growing demands for specialist off- shore geotechnical and geophysical ser- vices beyond their established coastal markets. The new division will enable the company to employ their consider- able expertise in emerging offshore re- newables, at home and abroad, while also establishing it as a signi? cant sur- vey support subcontractor within the oil & gas industry. Coastline has recently
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Marine Technology Reporter 49
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