Page 54: of Marine Technology Magazine (January 2016)
Underwater Vehicle Annual: ROV, AUV, and UUVs
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People & Company News
Lane West
Lloyd’s Register
Sonardyne the past 19 years in the Geophysical research program, and then as Direc-
SeeByte Founder
Industry as Surveyor / Navigator, Sup- tor of National Marine Facilities, with
Professor Lane Honored
SeeByte founding member Professor port Engineer and Navigation, and Po- strategic leadership for the U.K. marine
David Lane has been appointed Com- sitioning Technical Manager. The com- science community’s large research in- mander of the Order of the British Em- pany recently moved its U.S team from frastructure, specialist facilities and data pire (CBE) for services to Engineering Chicago to Huntington Beach, Calif. center. in the 2016 New Year’s Honors list. Pro- With an additional 10,000 square feet, During his 14 years with NOC, Ger- fessor Lane is Professor of Autonomous the new of? ce enables SBG Systems to aint oversaw the introduction of the
Systems Engineering at Heriot-Watt keep expanding the local SBG team, to UK’s new multi-purpose oceanographic
University and a founding Director of reduce delivery time as well as to wel- research ships, RRS Discovery and RRS both SeeByte and the Edinburgh Center come clients in more convenient meet- James Cook, as well as the establish- for Robotics. In 2001 Professor Lane ing facilities, the company said. SBG ment of its Marine Autonomous and formed the founding team of SeeByte, Systems said it also plans to hire a Field Robotics Systems group. He has also and as CEO until 2010 he led the com- Application Engineer to join its new U.S worked extensively with the internation- pany from a start-up to a multi-million of? ce. al oceanographic community, including dollar award winning organization, with two years as Chair of the International
Sonardyne Appoints West of? ces in Edinburgh and San Diego. Research Ship Operators group.
Bob Black, CEO at SeeByte said “On Sonardyne International appointed
Mitcham Acquires behalf of all of us at SeeByte, I would Geraint West as its new Global Business
L-3’s Klein Associates like to congratulate Dave on receiving Manager for Oceanography. West joins his CBE. SeeByte continues to bene? t Sonardyne with immediate effect and Geophysical equipment supplier Mit- from the hard work that Dave put into brings with him extensive experience cham Industries, Inc. has acquired L-3 the company and we wish him all the gained over 32 years with the Royal best for his future endeavors”. Navy, Fugro and most recently, the Na-
Professor Lane remained involved tional Oceanography Center (NOC). with SeeByte as a Board member until West’s early career as a hydrographic 2013 when SeeByte was acquired by surveyor included a posting to the U.S.
Battelle. Naval Oceanography Of? ce, and cul- minated as Charge Surveyor in the ice patrol ship, HMS Endurance. He then
Bazin Joins SBG Systems
France based motion sensing solu- moved to Fugro as Project Manager for tions provider SBG Systems has hired the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers air-
Ludovic Bazin as its new Technical borne laser hydrographic survey system.
Support Manager. Bazin has a Master At NOC, Geraint held a variety of po- degree in Surveying technology and sitions, initially managing operational
Klein S5500 V2 Bathy QC
Positioning. He has been working for and technical support to the seagoing
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