Page 57: of Marine Technology Magazine (January 2016)

Underwater Vehicle Annual: ROV, AUV, and UUVs

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self-contained, free-standing hydrauli- topographic mapping solution, Fugro cally powered unit designed for fast and deployed the GeoSAR system to Alaska accurate make up and break out of pre- in 2010 to help update the state’s base- mium and regular threaded connections line mapping data. It was during this for tubular equipment up to a maximum project that Fugro realized the depths torque of 200,000 foot-pounds (ft. lbs.). to which its GeoSAR system could pen-

Forum also announced that from Janu- etrate snow and ice. Efforts to exploit

DOF Group ary, 2016, the manufacture of the com- this capability began in 2012 and have pany’s PQuip Mud Bucket product will continued every summer since then. In contracts in the Asia Paci? c and Atlantic be transferred to the Forum AMC facil- 2016, Fugro anticipates bringing the ca- regions, with a total contract value of ity. This joins the Tautwire product line pability into commercial operations.

about $23.8 million. The contracts will that was moved to the Aberdeen loca- secure utilization of the subsea project tion earlier in 2015.

James Fisher Subsea ? eet in the regions. In Asia Paci? c, OMV

Excavation Expands

New Zealand has awarded DOF Subsea

Alaska Awards Fugro for

Three key appointments have been an IMR contract, where the scope of

Ice Management made to the business development team work includes inspection and work on at mass ? ow excavation (MFE) provider eight mooring lines on the Maari ? eld’s

James Fisher Subsea Excavation. The

FPSO, Raroa, offshore New Zealand. company welcomes business develop-

The offshore phase of the project will be ment manager Jorge Anez and business carried out during 1the ? rst half of 2016, development executives Steve Kaub and the vessel Skandi Hercules will be and Stuart Porteous to build its pres- utilized under the contract.

ence worldwide. Anez has an in-depth knowledge of Latin America and its

Forum AMC Awarded business culture, having previously held

Contracts for Bucking Unit similar roles in the marine trenching

Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (FET) sector where he has a track record of in- said that its AMC Engineering prod-

Alaska Governor Bill Walker an- creasing revenues and client portfolios. uct line has been awarded multimillion nounced Fugro as winner of the 2015 He said: “It’s an exciting and challeng- dollars worth of signi? cant new orders Governor’s North Star Award for Inter- ing time in the South American market within one month. The multiple orders national Excellence in the category of and I’m looking forward to promoting are for the manufacture and supply of scienti? c exchange. The accolade fol- James Fisher Subsea Excavation’s prov- its fully rotational torque (RT) bucking lows the ‘Spotlight on Arctic Technolo- en capabilities as a leading operator in unit with the ? rst delivery scheduled for gy’ award announced during the annual the ? eld of subsea excavation.” the ? rst quarter of 2016. They have been

Arctic Technology Conference last year. Porteous will be targeting new op- purchased by three of the largest multi-

Fugro was honored for its development portunities for the company in the UK, national oil service companies and will enable improved and increased tool of an airborne sea-ice management ca- Europe and West Africa and has experi- pability that enables ice thickness map- ence across a range of disciplines in the make up capabilities at locations in the ping, characterization and monitoring energy industry. Kaub has a strong un-

Middle East, South America and Cas- over large geographic areas. Utilizing a derstanding of subsea excavation having pian regions.

unique radar mapping system known as been involved in diverse roles within the

The RT bucking machine (RT) is a GeoSAR, the ice management capabil- industry will be developing client rela- ity is designed to reduce risk in Arctic tionships in U.S. operations. Fugro’s Alaska Division

Manager Rada Khadjinova accepted

Anez the award, saying, “It is an honor to be recognized by Governor Walker for this important work. This is truly an Alaska- born discovery, made during our early work on the Alaska Statewide Digital

Mapping Initiative (SDMI), and now being utilized in other Arctic regions.”

Originally designed as a regional-scale

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