Page 43: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2016)
Oceanographic Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis
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“IOOS and NOOA can now see the extent and value of private sector ocean enterprise in the blue economy, and with that information are better able to ? nd ways to engage with it and forge stronger, mutu- ally bene? cial partner- ships.”
Zdenka Willis,
U.S. Integrated Ocean
Observing System (IOOS)
What percentage of respondents omitted Financial Information?
About one third of the main ? nancial questions that weren’t an- swered by all respondents. However, +'.' we were able to acquire publicly avail-
DQG6'YLGHR able revenue data about most compa- nies who did not respond. The chief 5HFRUGLQJ'LYH question people bypassed was a ? gure /RJDQG2YHUOD\ for total annual revenue.
Seemingly this ? nancial information 'LJLWDO6WLOOV is critical information to gauging /('VDQG/DVHUV market size. In your estimation, what could be done to bolster this percent- age?
FRPELQLQJLQFUHGLEOHGHWDLOZLWKXQSDUDOOHOHGYHUVDWLOLW\DQGUHOLDELOLW\ If this survey is repeated, the best advantage we could have is for the participating companies to see the value in providing accurate informa- tion. This study highlights their work, and the key ? gure is to show revenue and jobs. The more we can re? ne those +$56+(67&21',7,216&/($5(67,0$*(6 numbers, the more important this study
ZZZVXEFLPDJLQJFRP www.marinetechnologynews.com
Marine Technology Reporter 43
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