Page 69: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2016)
Oceanographic Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis
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& Investor Relations for Polarcus, an executive manage-
NEXT GENERATION ment position which will be eliminated. He has 12 years
Focussed on Professional Sector
MARINE of experience in the seismic industry with key roles in ? - sub IMO / sub 24 metre craft nance, accounting and business development and was in-
Power & Propulsion strumental in the start-up of Polarcus. Burlid holds a B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration from Blekinge
Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Grand Harbour - Southampton UK
Mooring Components for Floating Wind Park 26 - 28 April 2016
Statoil signed a contract with offshore chains and moor- ing systems supplier Vicinay Marine for the design, manu- -VJ\ZZLKVU7YVMLZZPVUHS:LJ[VY facture and deliver mooring components for the world’s
Z\I046Z\ITL[YLJYHM[ ? rst ? oating offshore wind park, the Hywind pilot park offshore Scotland. Vicinay Marine will provide the moor- :WVUZVYLKI`!
ing chains and connectors for the Hywind project, to be delivered at place in Scotland with in 2016. The fabrication of the mooring system will take place at Vicinay Marine´s facilities in Sestao and Galdames in Spain. The 30MW pi- lot project will consist of ? ve 6MW ? oating turbines op- erating in waters exceeding 100m of depth. The Pilot Park objectives are to demonstrate cost ef? cient and low risk solutions for commercial scale parks. Production start is :\WWVY[LKI`!
expected in late 2017.
Call for Nominations
The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory Sys- tem (UNOLS) Marcus Langseth Scienti? c Oversight 3 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS • 20 PRESENTERS
Committee (MLSOC) is seeking nominations for two open
A dynamic group of international experts committee member positions to be ? lled immediately. The will show how innovative solutions can be
MLSOC, a standing committee of the (UNOLS), is charged integrated into next generation vessels with overseeing the scienti? c operation of the R/V Mar- cus Langseth research vessel as a National Oceanographic
Facility (NOF). The Langseth provides the U.S. academic community with the resources to acquire state-of-the-art,
Relevant to professional - commercial - military: ,UK\ZLYVYNHUPZH[PVUZ)VH[)\PSKLYZ two- and three-dimensional marine seismic-re? ection data.
First and foremost, MLSOC ful? lls an ombudsman role 5H]HS(YJOP[LJ[Z4HYP[PTL3LNPZSH[VYZ for all scienti? c groups in need of high-quality geophysical
Hybrid systems include diesel - electric - battery for: images, with the goals of providing state-of-the-art seismic >VYR)VH[Z7PSV[)VH[Z7H[YVS*YHM[ acquisition capabilities, lowering the threshold of exper- >PUK-HYT:\WWVY[=LZZLSZ:\Y]L`=LZZLSZ tise needed to use the facility, and increasing the quality :\WLY`HJO[;LUKLYZ The term of of? ce for committee members is three years, 2 Day Conference 1 Day Workshop with the possibility of a reappointment for a second term. 26 & 27 April 2016 28 April 2016 The MLSOC typically meets in San Francisco prior to Discount Rates for: Discount Rates for: RINA / SSA / BMF / UKMPA RINA / SSA / BMF / UKMPA AGU and again by teleconference or in person each year. Military / Govt / Academia Military / Govt / Academia Scientists interested in serving as an MLSOC member should submit a two-page current C.V., a one-page state- ment of interest that should include his/her vision for Geo- physical scienti? c research over the next decade, as well as a summary of experience using seismic facilities. Copies of these materials should be sent to the UNOLS Of? ce (of- ? [email protected]) by March 18, 2016. ^^^O`IYPKTHYPULWV^LYJVT MTR #2 (66-80).indd 69 2/22/2016 11:20:12 AM