Page 21: of Marine Technology Magazine (April 2016)

Offshore Energy Annual

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judging in advance of the National SeaPerch Challenge. The top 30 teams will be offered an opportunity to present in-per- son to a panel of judges on competition day. Scores both for the posters and for the presentations will be added to each team’s total points.

Approximately 150 judges and volunteers are also anticipat- ed to attend during the day on Saturday in order to adequately oversee and judge the in-pool competitions, to judge the top posters that will have been selected for in-person presenta- tions during the day and to ensure a rewarding and memorable day for all participants, attendees and guests.

On Saturday evening the Awards Ceremony will take place in the LSU Field House. Here, ? rst-through-third place tro- phies in each event for middle school, high school and open classes, special awards and the naming of the 2016 National

SeaPerch Champions will be made by Susan Nelson, ably as- (All Photos Courtesy Seaperch) sisted by the invited guests who will also be photographed graduate degree programs and 18 graduate programs, enroll- with each winning team. Invited speakers, representing cor- ing more than 1,900 undergraduate and nearly 1,000 graduate porate sponsors, local and state congressional representatives, students. The college is committed to achieving the highest

ONR, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard and other military branch standards in teaching research and service, and is continually personnel, will be able to take part in the day’s activities. They working to improve its programs. Judges and volunteers are have been encouraged to arrive early and observe the com- always welcome. Should you be interested in participating petitions, judge various events and speak ? rst hand with the as a volunteer or judge on Saturday, May 21, please go to the students before addressing them that evening about the impor-

SeaPerch website,, to sign up. Sponsorship tance of STEM to their future careers. All student team mem- opportunities are still available for individual, local and cor- bers will receive participation medals, and be photographed porate funding, and can be viewed on the SeaPerch website. by team for the bene? t of their families and schools. Addition-

You may contact Susan Nelson at about ally, Certi? cates of Participation will be available both for stu- how to become a sponsor for this event. dent participants and for teachers and ad- visors to download following the National

Challenge. At the conclusion of the award presentations all registrants will enjoy an outdoor Awards Party and Barbeque.

Sunday, May 22, will be a free day for the teams to explore, on their own, the rich “Deep Blue Vector” cultural history and outdoor activities in the greater Baton Rouge/New Orleans en-

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Marine Technology Reporter 21

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.