Page 36: of Marine Technology Magazine (July 2016)

MTR 100: The 11th Annual Listing of 100 Leading Subsea Companies

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MTR 100MTR 100 pacted not only the oil and gas indus- cility in our Technology Development try ,but also many adjacent industries Center in Daytona, easy access to our that rely on oil and gas to fund oceano- scientists at Teledyne’s Scienti? c Cen-

Teledyne graphic research. This new found in- ter and a strong IP portfolio. We ap- terest in providing more cost effective proach every development project with

CARIS solutions is at the top of our focus in a “show me the data” approach. Our all of our current technology develop- development process and reliability

For more than 35 years, Teledyne ment projects. We have been early to program, we believe, is world leading.

CARIS has been making software adopt a philosophy of partnering with We believe this differentiates us from designed for the marine GIS com- our customers to provide better value most if not all of our competitors and munity. Teledyne CARIS also offers a solutions. We feel that we are leading is why our customers continue to invest comprehensive level of support through the way in focusing on lowering overall in us. training sessions and consulting, online lifecycle costs to our customers. This technical support, email and multilin-

R&D: WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON TODAY trend is here to stay and we are happy gual telephone support. Employing

THAT YOUR CUSTOMERS CAN EXPECT TO that we have already positioned our more than 170 engineering, IT and


teams to this end. Our ability to share business professionals, Teledyne CA-

Nagengast We have quite an exten- resources across Teledyne Marine pro-

RIS headquarters is located in Fred- vides us with great opportunities to sive portfolio of new products in our ericton, Canada, and holds additional development pipeline covering a wide provide integrated and innovative so- of? ces in the Netherlands, the U.S., lutions in many aspects of worldwide variety of applications. We have devel-

Australia and the U.K. CARIS soft- oped a family of products we refer to as subsea needs.

ware is selected by national mapping

Active Flying leads. These are subsea and charting agencies, survey compa- interconnect solutions that allow for

R&D: CAN YOU SHARE WITH OUR READ- nies, port and waterway authorities, the conversion of power and commu-

ERS SOME INSIGHTS ON HOW THE R&D oil and gas companies and academic

EFFORT IS SET UP WITHIN TELEDYNE, nication formats such as ? ber optic to institutions worldwide. The Ping-to-

WITH SPECIFICS ON THE CUMULATIVE electrical Ethernet, extended CANBus,

Chart solution is designed to deliver

ANNUAL INVESTMENT AND NUMBERS TO power conversions and more. These an integrated and seamless solution for


are revolutionizing subsea interconnec- the entire work? ow of hydrographic

Egan We have many things we can tions and provides our customers with information, from processing the echo- work on across the group, but the chal- ? exibility in subsea ? eld architecture sounder ping to the production and lenge is ensuring we balance technol- as well as providing lower cost alter- distribution of the chart. This inte- ogy gaps, new and emerging technolo- natives. We continue to develop and grated software line provides clients gies as well as being agile to respond release advanced subsea sonar imaging with resource optimization and a true to demands. We continually assess solutions that are world leading in per- operational advantage. The Ping-to- the return on investment both for our formance. We are most excited about

Chart toolset includes products that customers and ourselves, as well as our current efforts to integrate our address the need to manage bathy- ensuring we are aligning with market various subsea solutions into smaller, metric data sets containing billions of requirements both today and tomorrow.

lower cost and higher performance soundings, to support the development products that will allow our customers of multiple chart types from a single

Nagengast Teledyne Marine invests a to select the best all-around product to source, and to be able to distribute and signi? cant fraction of our sales annu- meet their particular needs as opposed interrogate high density bathymetry ally on internal R&D. Additionally, to buying individual products for each over the internet. CARIS Onboard we receive healthy amounts of exter- speci? c function. An example would is the newest package in the CARIS nal funding from our customers which be an integrated equipment to provide suite of products. This is a near real- greatly increases our total annual R&D navigation, station-keeping and control time and autonomous data processing investment. In 2016, we will receive to an ROV with one packaged solution package that has been developed with over $20M in funded R&D to develop and one seamless software package

AUVs and Unmanned Surface Vehicles innovative products to solve our cus- versus the current practice of buying in mind, but is also a force multiplier tomer’s important challenges. We have and installing individual components when used on survey motor launches. a strong global technical team of ap- and then trying to sew the various soft-

Email: [email protected]: [email protected] proximately 250 staff, a comprehen- ware packages together. sive world class test an& evaluation fa-

July/August 2016 36


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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.