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MTR 100: The 11th Annual Listing of 100 Leading Subsea Companies

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MTR 100

ARC James Cook

Halls of Higher Learning

The subsea industry and the institutes, institutions, universities and colleges are inextri- cably linked. Picking just ? ve to feature in our MTR100 was no easy feat, but our U.K.- based contributor Kira Coley, as always, gave it her best shot.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography - UC San Diego NOC

Topic: Education & Outreach The National Oceanography Centre (NOC)

No. of employees: 2,238 Topic: Marine Technology

Address: 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093 Address: University of Southampton,

Tel: 858-534-3624 Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 3ZH, UK

Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 6666

Since 1903, Scripps Institution of ating a legacy of priceless data—includ-

A merger in April 2010 between Liv-

Oceanography at UC San Diego has ing Argo and the CalCOFI observations erpool’s Proudman Oceanographic evolved into one of the world’s most of the California Current ecosystem. Laboratory and Southampton’s National in? uential centers for marine biology, Over the past ? ve years 304 separate Oceanography Center, gave rise to the ocean, atmospheric and earth research. research missions have been completed, UK’s leading institution for ocean re-

The award-winning institution and cul- supporting 4,526 scientists, students, search and technology development. ture of collaboration spark innovation engineers, and explorers from 425 dif-

From the coast to the deep ocean, the which has shaped science over the last ferent research institutions and laborato-

National Oceanography Center (NOC) century and driven economic impact in ries around the world.

has led advancements in marine tech- today’s society. The Scripps mission is As Scripps continues to inspire and nology and ocean exploration. The or- to seek, teach, and communicate scien- educate, the institution has also priori- ganization hosts two Royal Research ti? c understanding of the oceans, atmo- tised the development of solutions to Ships and an impressive array of deep sphere, Earth, and other planets for the meet new challenges to the health of the submersibles, advanced ocean instru- bene? t of society and the environment. planet. ments and sensors. It is also home to

As such, the institution places the next Through the emergence of four main the global mean sea level data archive, generation of scientists in the frontline strategic themes, Scripps Institution of the UK’s sea level monitoring system of cutting-edge research and, through Oceanography will focus future projects for ? ood warning and climate change, exceptional educational programs, ap- on Climate Change Impacts and Adap- the national archive of subsea sediment plies and communicates that knowledge tation, Resilience to Hazards; Human cores and the British Oceanographic to the public. Their successful commit- Health and the Oceans and Innovative Data Centre. In 2015, a $4.2 million ment to outreach is demonstrated by the Technologies to Observe the Planet. center was opened to develop new tech- annual presence of almost half a million The journal Nature ranked the aca- nology for the emerging marine robot- visitors to Birch Aquarium at Scripps, demic institution of UC San Diego ? rst ics sector. The Marine Robotics Inno- the public exploration center for the in the United States and fourth world- vation Centre, designed to be the hub institution. Scripps also has one of the wide in earth and environmental re- for businesses developing autonomous largest academic research ? eets in the search. QS World University Rankings platforms, will be the future birthplace world. These ? oating laboratories have 2016 in Earth & Marine Sciences placed of novel marine observation technology led to fundamental observations gener- UCSD as 14th in the world.

that will be used to cost-effectively cap-

July/August 2016 46


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Marine Technology

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