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MTR 100: The 11th Annual Listing of 100 Leading Subsea Companies

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VideoRay’s Mission Specialist Series.

able, ? exible and reliable solutions for

VideoRay underwater operations, such as surveys,

Established in 1999, VideoRay intro- offshore inspections, search and recov- duced its ? rst ROV in 2000 and has since gone on to become one of the world’s ery, homeland and port security, science largest volume producers of underwater and research, ? sh farming and other (Photo: Eric Haun) unique applications.

ROVs, with more than 3,500 units de-

The company has worked with tech- livered to a diverse range of organiza- tions for a wide assortment of missions. nology and mission partners throughout enable optimized vehicle con? gurations for speci? c applications. Customization

Today hundreds of VideoRays are in the world to develop and prove the small and ? exibility are key, with each system use daily throughout the world to help ROV tool for a wide range of applica- ? tted to the sensors, tools, depth rating tions, and underwater accessory manu- prevent terrorism, ? nd and retrieve ob- jects, inspect infrastructure both inland facturers now develop sensors around and thrust needed for the job at hand, rather than retro? t accessories to a stan- and offshore and keep divers safe from the size and payload capacity of Vid- hazardous conditions, among a number eoRays, meaning users can choose from dard ROV. Available modules include cameras with a wide range of resolu- a large array of sonars, positioning sys- of other missions.

Since the ? rst VideoRay systems were tems, metal thickness gauges, cathodic tions, LED lighting, powerful thrusters delivered, users have tried VideoRays in protection, water quality and radiation capable of up to one horsepower opera- tion, power systems ranging from 75 to increasingly challenging situations and measuring devices, and many other un- environments, and owners have learned derwater tools and sensors. The ROVs’ 1,600 Volts as well as an on-board bat- to trust them to perform in a growing plug-and-play technology allows users tery option, different manipulators, po- sitioning and sensors for radiation, wa- number of industries. Known for its to quickly attach sensors and accesso- ter quality, and more.

ries in the ? eld.

compact and versatile vehicles, Vid-

Email: [email protected]

VideoRay’s new Mission Specialist eoRay is a leader in observation ROV

Series features modular components to technology, delivering portable, afford-

Vangkroken 2, Rud, Norway 1351

Phone +47 6717 4500

Email: [email protected]

CEO/President: Atle Lohrmann

Number of Employees: 100

Nortek designs, develops and manufactures scienti? c cessing platform (US Patent 7,911,880) and includes a oceanographic instruments that are used to measure the series of innovative elements, which will open doors to movement of water in its different forms. For 20 years, new applications and inspire exciting research possibili- the company has produced acoustic Doppler instrumen- ties. AD2CP broadband combines frequency-modulated

Nortek AS tation, employing innovative processes in its product transmissions with fast sampling rates and adjustable development and production. Its Doppler Velocity Logs bandwidth. The result is unparalleled performance in (DVL), used for subsea navigation, and Acoustic Dop- both standard and specialized applications. AD2CP pler Current Pro? lers (ADCP), used to understand phys- hardware can alternate between multiple measurement ical processes in the ocean such as waves and currents, modes. One instrument replaces several by offering are utilized by scientists, researchers and engineers at concurrent or alternating measurements of currents, tur- institutions worldwide. bulence, waves and ice. AD2CP recorders will store all

A product of thousands of engineering man-hours, raw Doppler and sensor data. Improve data quality by the AD2CP is Nortek’s broadband Doppler signal pro- removing contamination from ? sh or other in? uences.

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.