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Oceanographic Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis

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Autonomous typically between ? anges on separate equipment specialists arrived from

Underwater pieces of subsea infrastructure. These Seatronics in Aberdeen, and laser en- measurements allow precise fabrica- gineers from 2G Robotics travelled

Vehicles tion of subsea jumpers and spool- from Edmonton in Canada to observe pieces. the study and deliver the classroom

Traditionally the vessel time to ac- sessions to guests.

quire the measurement data can take In three days, two complete metrolo- between six and eight hours per me- gy solutions (LBL and AAINS) would trology. The adoption of a smart com- be mobilized, con? gured, tested, full bination of proven technology can data gathering, data processing and reduce data acquisition (and hence reporting.

vessel) time to around two hours. Days one and two focused on mobi-

Partners DOF Subsea, Sonardyne, lization, ROV integration, sparse LBL

Seatronics and 2G Robotics decided array installation, traditional LBL me- upon an open strategy of bringing in- trology data acquisition and results. terested companies together to dem- On the third day, laser data acquisi- onstrate a direct comparison between tion began. VIP guests arrived from well-proven acoustic long-baseline leading contractors and operators to (LBL) metrology and the new possi- learn more about the capabilities of bility – acoustically aided dynamic la- the AAINS solution and a deep-dive ser mapping using inertial navigation classroom session into technical as- (AAINS). pects of data gathering, processing

Acceptance of any new solution in and analysis from experts in their the industry is a staged process, and ? eld who were on hand to share their the ? rst step is often raising aware- knowledge.

ness of a challenge and its solution.

The ef? ciency demands in the current

Preparation and Delivery marketplace provided an opportunity Preparation began shortly before for DOF Subsea and its technology mobilization. Each company is an partners to put this event together and expert in their ? eld, which produced bring their solution to light, openly a collaborative working environment sharing knowledge, performance data with a high degree of cooperation. and technical conclusions between a This can-do approach to problem multitude of invited contractors and solving and vigilance for cost saving operators in a single event. opportunities contributed to success

Rapid Data Collection For and is essential in the current ? nancial climate.

The Trials

Coastal Applications

In late November, representatives Design and fabrication of the be-

Side Scan of the partner companies descended spoke subsea structures was a joint

Bathy Water Quality on The Underwater Centre in Fort effort between Seatronics and DOF

William to prepare and conduct trials Subsea. Cost ef? ciency was at the

Magnetometer prior to the demonstration day. Work forefront during planning, so the was planned to take place aboard the structures were based on existing off- vessel named Loch Sunart in Loch the-shelf subsea gyro boxes. They in-

Linnhe, kitted out with all of the nec- cluded temporary additions of yellow essary equipment, including a work- circular ? anges, horizontal planes, class Triton XL ROV with TMS. custom targets and bracketry to repre-

The work site was chosen, southwest sent actual and potential measurement of The Underwater Centre pier. points typically on subsea wells, trees

Key metrology and INS technicians or manifolds. visited from Sonardyne in England, As December approached, the com- +1 508-678-0550

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Marine Technology

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