Page 11: of Marine Technology Magazine (April 2019)
Ocean Energy: Oil, Wind & Tidal
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export regulations extend beyond the initial export out of the ments and obtaining any required licenses when a speci? c
United States. A re-export of a U.S.-origin item from one for- writing has been obtained ? rst by the U.S. seller from the for- eign destination to another, including use aboard a vessel in eign buyer stating they (the foreign buyer) assume this respon- multiple territorial waters, can also trigger a license require- sibility. Simply stating the sale is being completed under “Ex ment. Such scenarios can be built into an export license, so Works” does not comply with this requirement. See Section when applying for export licenses, remember to keep the larg- 758.3(b) of the Export Administration Regulations for more er picture in mind, rather than only the initial export. details on this requirement. • Protect your items against transfer and transshipment. • Remember that help is available. BIS has counseling
Foreign buyers are not allowed to resell a controlled item desks, located in Washington, DC and California, which are without prior authorization, so protect your company by ? ll- staffed Monday through Friday during business hours by BIS ing out the destination control statement on your commercial personnel. The Desks’ contact information is as follows: invoice. This legal statement signi? es the exports are destined o Washington, DC: (202) 482-4811 to the end-user indicated in all the shipping documents, and o Irvine, CA: (949) 660-0144 cannot be transferred or transshipped by the foreign buyer o Santa Clara, CA: (408) 998-8806 without permission from the U.S. government agency with ju- You can email your question to: [email protected] risdiction over the licensed item. If you ? nd out that the item has been resold, you should report that fact to the U.S. Gov- Does your U.S. product or service require an export license? ernment agency with jurisdiction over the item. Learn more about the export licensing process by viewing our export regulations video and web page which links to • Be aware of criteria for transactions agreed upon under the Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Commercial Ser- the Incoterm “Ex Works.” Under Ex Works, the foreign buyer vice worldwide network of export assistance, and other key only becomes responsible for determining licensing require- resources.
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Marine Technology Reporter 11
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