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MTR White Papers: Hydrographic

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Shark Marine Technologies


In 1984 Shark Marine Technologies which allows communication and po-


Inc. was founded on a mandate to pro- sition sharing up to 1 km underwater. duce innovative, high quality underwa- The Dive Tablet 2 followed the success ter products that were both dependable of the Navigator but offered a smaller and cost effective. Today many of these lighter platform for those in shallower 0XOWLEHDP,PDJLQJ6RQDUV products are relied on by a large selec- water, or focused mainly on navigation, 6LQJOHDQG'XDO)UHTXHQF\WRN+] tion of the world’s navies as well as while still capable of using many of the underwater scientists, archaeologists, Navigator’s accessories. The latest search and rescue organizations, power addition to this line of products is the generation authorities, the oil and gas E-TAC which has been designed spe- industry and many others responsible ci? cally to meet the needs of Combat for underwater operations. Divers, giving them precise underwater

Its products include, the Barracuda navigation in a small, lightweight unit and SeaWolf remotely operated ve- that is not only rated to operate 50 me- hicles; the MAKO Diver Delivery Sys- ters (165 ft.) below the water, but also tem with fully autonomous capabili- 15,000 meters (50,000 ft.) above. ties; Imaging systems both sonar and Its Divelog “mission control soft- video; Tether management systems, ware” covers all aspects of mission software and our Diver Held Sonar Im- planning, underwater data collection aging, Navigation and Communication and navigation, and provides an auto-

Systems, the Navigator, DiveTablet 2 matically generated report which geo- 0LFUR86%/7UDFNLQJ%HDFRQV and its new E-TAC (pictured below). references all the data collected into an %LGLUHFWLRQDO$FRXVWLF'DWD0RGHPV

The Navigator was developed to al- easily exportable, interactive HTML low Search and Recovery and Mine ? le. Divelog’s capabilities have been

Counter Measures Divers the ability expanded to control all of Shark Ma- to accurately navigate and see its sur- rine’s underwater applications. One roundings, no matter the visibility. It single program for video systems, is now in use by more than 20 Navies ROVs, AUVs, towed arrays, diver worldwide with an ever-increasing list navigation, sonar and communication of accessories and capabilities such as systems as well as its diver delivery the Sub-NET communication system vehicles.



Shark Marine Technologies


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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.