Page 38: of Marine Technology Magazine (October 2019)

Ocean Observation: Gliders, Buoys & Sub-Surface Networks

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Ocean Observation addressed. The content of the Ocean- extensive. Some key recommendations bility, thus expanding the ocean obser-

Obs’19 Innovation day was extensive discussed at OceanObs’19 included: vation community to better reach the did not lend itself to simple summaries. public and STEM education systems.

That said there was a key underlying • Technology Development: Update question at work: existing observing systems with new • Collaboration: Continue fostering

How can we spur innovation in ob- sensors and technologies, such as bio- close collaboration between the private serving technologies, products, and user sensors and those that can collect wave sector and the regional ocean observing services? data and measure biogeochemical vari- community, leveraging the strengths of

In considering this question several ables each to ? ll regional observing and fore- gaps and recommendations were dis- cast gaps. cussed. There were many gaps iden- • Remote Sensing: Provide better in The extensive, diverse, set of recom- ti? ed in technology and innovation. situ support for satellite technologies. mendations was derived from the In-

These touched upon unmanned systems, Improved Observations: The ocean novation day activities and associated especially unmanned surface vessels observation community should make community white papers. The other (USVs), remote sensing, cabled sys- strides to incorporate additional mea- themes, days and papers provided ad- tems, drifting buoys, high frequency surements into observational frame- ditional content and recommendations. radar, sea level measurement and sys- works. Throughout the event questions and tem of system concepts. The recom- B Focus on low-cost, ubiquitous solu- concepts were captured by online tools, mendations were likewise diverse and tions to platform development accessi- moderators and attendees. The Ocean- Nortek’s New ECO ADCP

Justin Manley

October 2019 38


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Marine Technology

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