Page 50: of Marine Technology Magazine (January 2021)
Underwater Vehicle Annual
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Innovative new ships, boats & technologies to facilitate subsea work
Oceanographer and Discoverer will be both on the surface and submerged: 40
NOAA Orders Pair of built to commercial standards. They will knots and 250nm endurance on the sur-
Oceanographic Ships
NOAA’s effort to recapitalize its ? eet incorporate the latest technologies, in- face, matched by an equally impressive of research ships took a major step for- cluding high-ef? ciency, environmental- underwater speci? cation where four ward with the U.S. Navy’s award of a ly friendly EPA Tier IV diesel engines, hours endurance can navigate two crew $178,082,877 contract to Thoma-Sea emissions controls for stack gases, and six divers for 25nm.
Marine Constructors LLC, Houma, La., new information technology tools for BAR Technologies and SubSea Craft for the detailed design and construc- monitoring shipboard systems, and un- began collaborating on the VICTA de- tion of two new oceanographic ships derwater scienti? c research and survey velopment in 2018, progressing the for the agency. NOAA is acquiring the equipment. The ships will be equipped build over the previous 14 months. The vessels through an agreement with the to launch work boats, perform mainte- vessel is currently in ‘? nishing’ where
Naval Sea Systems Command. The ? rst nance on buoys and moorings, deploy the carbon ? ber hull is completed prior ship, to be named Oceanographer, will scienti? c instruments to collect weather to receiving a synthetic, colored outer be homeported in Honolulu. The sec- and water column data, and conduct sea- ‘wrap’. This step provides VICTA’s ond ship, to be named Discoverer, will ? oor mapping surveys. Each vessel will streamlined shape, reduces the acous- be assigned a homeport at a future date. operate with a crew of 20 and will ac- tic signature and assures watertight in-
Both vessels will continue the legacies commodate up to 28 scientists. tegrity. Current activites are aimed to of their namesakes. The ? rst Oceanog- prepare VICTA for trials and testing in
Meet VICTA, an Innovative rapher served in the NOAA ? eet from 2021. VICTA is primarily aimed at the
Diver Delivery Unit 1966 to 1996 and her sister ship, Dis- defense market.
BAR Technologies won the deal to coverer, served from 1967 to 1996.
support SubSea Craft Ltd., in the de-
Damen ? nishes
The new ships will support a wide va-
German Diving Bell Ship riety of missions, ranging from general sign and build of VICTA – touted by oceanographic research and exploration the companies as ‘the world’s most ad- Damen Shipyards Group has complet- vanced diver delivery unit.’ ed construction and out? tting of a div- to marine life, climate and ocean eco-
BAR Technologies has been integral ing bell ship for client FMSW Koblenz system studies. These missions include shallow coastal, continental shelf, and to the shape and form of VICTA – de- (Department Machinery Southwest)/ signing and optimizing the hull and con- operator WSA Rhine (Waterways and worldwide ocean survey and data col- lection. Designed as single-hull ships, trol system to enable its performance Shipping Of? ce) according to schedule.
Oceanographer &
Discoverer will join
NOAA’s ship ? eet, which includes NOAA
Ship Ronald
H. Brown.
Photo courtesy Wes Struble NOAA 50 January/February 2021
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