Page 59: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2021)
Oceanographic Instrumentation & Sensors
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Image Courtesy Bedrock Ocean Exploration
Bedrock Scores $8M in Funding to Fast Track Ocean Data Initiatives
Bedrock Ocean Exploration, which interest,” said Vic Singh, General Part- on their autonomous aviation system, was created to make the business of ner at Eniac Ventures. “We believe it is and was the CTO of DeepFlight where gathering, processing and disseminat- a deeply underinvested sector and ripe he developed manned submersibles.
ing accurate information on the world’s for opportunity given the vast amount of While opportunities abound through- oceans to key stakeholders, has raised data.” out the sector, at the outset Bedrock an $8M seed round from Eniac Ven- Bedrock’s founders, Anthony DiMare, is aiming to support the explosion of tures, Primary Venture Partners, Quiet CEO and Charles Chiau, CTO, have al- offshore wind projects in the U.S. and
Capital and R7. The funding is targeted most three decades of experience at the abroad. Everything from site explora- to help Bedrock scale their robotics and intersection of maritime and technol- tion to export and array cable laying cloud software to map the ocean ? oor ogy. DiMare previously founded Nau- and operations and maintenance (O&M) more ef? ciently than ever, effectively tilus Labs, a maritime technology com- work rely on geophysical surveys. Bed- removing people & ship-centric acqui- pany aiming to advance the ef? ciency rock is doing this more safely, quickly, sition operations. Bedrock’s goal is to of ocean commerce through arti? cial and ef? ciently through a new breed of ultimately provide centralized access to intelligence. marine surveying enabled by their pro- the ? rst complete map and database of Chiau was previously at SpaceX where prietary Autonomous Underwater Vehi- our oceans at the highest possible reso- he helped design the avionics systems cle (AUV)-based data acquisition plat- lution. “For more than three years, we for Crew Dragon. He also was a system form and software ecosystem they’re explored ocean tech as a category of engineer at Reliable Robotics working building around the collected data.
April 2021. You can ? nd out more about based Wireless Power and Communi- 3D survey and extend coverage into the the challenge and access the applica- cation (WPC AS). All assets within the UKCS. In the 2021 phase two acquisi- tion form here: https://www.admi- product area have been transferred to tion will add approximately 8,000 sq km ralty.co.uk/innovation-programme/ Subsea USB. of new data in an E-W direction. Similar coastal-inundation-challenge to the 2020 phase one, multi-component
CGG Extends Northern Viking technology will be used for the acquisi-
Blue Logic Launches Subsea USB Graben Dual-Azimuth Survey tion, and this new data will be processed
Blue Logic created a new company, CGG announced phase two of its multi- with the existing N-S data, using CGG’s
Subsea USB AS, to provide its under- client 3D survey in the Northern North latest velocity modeling and imaging water inductive connectors. The product Sea, which will expand on the phase one technology, to produce a dual-azimuth rights, technology and patents of Sub- acquisition initiated in 2020 to add a sec- volume. Fast-track data from the phase sea USB’s connectors were previously ond azimuth over CGG’s existing North- two acquisition are expected to be avail- jointly owned with the Kristiansand- ern Viking Graben (NVG) multi-client able by the end of 2021.
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