Page 24: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2023)

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MTR 100 from the working class and observation class to the partic- ular use of ROV, arrived in the following years. Indepen- dent research and development ROV components include:

HD camera, 150W 6,957 Lumens Sea Bright LED, sensor

PCG 1000X, servo, and 550 VDC direct-drive and magneti- cally coupling thrusters. In 2022, DWTEK, with its af? li- ated enterprise Sunny Bright Co. Ltd., jointly owned a Tai- wan ? ag ROV offshore service and survey vessel—Sunny

Bright. The ship serves offshore farm construction projects in the Taiwan Strait, with the capacity to load customizable

DNV, GL-certi? ed control container sizes from 10ft, 16ft to

DWTEK 20ft. With self-developed ROVs and IMCA-certi? ed pilots, the company serves all types of missions such as deep sea cable inspection, buoy deployment, operation and mainte-

DWTEK was established in 2008 in Taiwan, the ? rst and nance (O&M), general (GVI), and close (CVI) inspection. only Taiwanese subsea technology company. In 2023, Sunny Bright acquired the oil loading and bunker-

Thanks to a manufacturing center equipped with multime- ing license and became the ? rst and the only Taiwan ? ag ters, megger, pressure chambers, and high-precision ma- OSV to support the offshore working vessel’s bunkering. chines DMG MORI CTX beta 800 and 2000 TC, alongside Within the last two years, DWTEK’s progress soon led the the in-house and global support engineering team, the com- company to become the ? rst partner for the Taiwan offshore pany can customize and design for underwater technology wind farm developers. The company is now active in oil and and equipment. They can also IMR (inspect, maintenance, gas, offshore energy, defense, and aquatic farming sectors. and repair) to meet every need and achieve every unique oceanology, aquaculture and hydrography research and sur- goal. The ? rst con? gurable platform designed ROV Inves- vey, underwater infrastructure projects, dam O&M, wreck tigator 90 (I90) was born in 2012, and other ROV series, and cable inspection, and more.


EdgeTech is a manufacturer of underwater technology solutions, best known for its products including side scan sonars, sub-bottom pro? lers, bathymetry systems, deep sea acoustic releases, shallow water and long-life acoustic re- leases and on demand (ropeless) ? shing systems. EdgeTech continues to innovate and advance all aspects of their sonar systems and acoustic release based ropeless ? shing systems.

The company has seen a strong demand for near shore, shal- low water survey systems including the 6205s2 combined bathymetry and side scan sonar system and 3400 sub-bot- pable of penetrating the seabed to accurately detect, locate, tom pro? ler. The compact, lightweight systems are a perfect classify, and identify buried and partially proud objects. This ? t for small to medium size boats and unmanned surface low-frequency acoustic imaging system can be operated in vessels (USV). The EdgeTech 6205s2 produces real time, real-time for general survey purposes such as cable and pipe high resolution, 3D maps of the sea? oor while providing an tracking and route surveys or have the data post processed enhanced and fully integrated swath bathymetry and dual utilizing synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) processing to render frequency side scan sonar system with gap-? ll. three-dimensional images of buried objects. Advancements

In the AUV, ROV and ROTV market, EdgeTech offers the also continue in the company’s on demand (“ropeless”) ? sh- 2205 OEM-based solution to provide tightly integrated side ing systems. New features include integrated transducers, scan, sub-bottom, bathymetry and combined systems for available hull mount transducers and an upgraded cloud-based manufacturers. EdgeTech’s innovative Buried Object Sonar Trap Tracker app that allows operators the ability to com-

System (eBOSS) is an advanced sub-bottom sonar system ca- mand, control, track and categorize the underwater systems.

24 September/October 2023

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.