Page 4: of Marine Technology Magazine (November 2023)
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Editorial sit back in amazement at how techno- logical evolution in this industry con- tinues to pick up speed, as things like
I Arti? cial Intelligence – with all of its promise and peril – continue to evolve and penetrate subsea tech solutions. As anyone © Jason Adelaars MBARI 2023 www.marinetechnologynews.com reading these pages can attest, the ability to
NEW YORK work ef? ciently, effectively and safely on, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010
Tel: (212) 477-6700; Fax: (212) 254-6271 under and around the world’s waterways is arguably one of the most challenging. This
Justin Zuure month I’m pleased to highlight two stories
CEO that I think embody ingenuity – and needs –
John C. O’Malley [email protected] in the sector.
Massa Products Corporation is no stranger to the subsea space, as the company – led by
President & COO
Gregory R. Trauthwein third-generation leadership in the form of Dawn Massa Stancavish – builds upon the lega- [email protected] cy that started with Frank Massa, a man who pioneered the ? eld of electroacoustics, more
Contributing Writers than 75 years ago; carried forward by Don Massa until the leadership baton was earned
Kevin Hardy by his daughter. Dawn is passionate about her company, technology and people, and it is
Celia Konowe
Edward Lundquist the latter that I found most interesting in our recent interview. Through our channels, we
David Strachan talk relentlessly about the innovations, the technology that make this industry special. But behind technology are people, and today there is a decided shortage of tech talent that is
Production Manager
Irina Vasilets needed by Massa [+ every other company reading these pages] to power its future. Dawn [email protected] and her team are active participants in local, regional and national initiatives – such as buildsubmarines.com – that are geared toward informing, attracting and retaining the
Production & Graphic Design
Nicole Ventimiglia next-generation that is so desperately needed to power the future of subsea technology. [email protected]
Read our interview with Massa starting on page 30.
The other story I found of particular interest was my interview with Henry Ruhl and
Corporate Staff
Amy West of Synchro. Synchro is a program designed to help take subsea technology
Manager, Marketing
Mark O’Malley from the workbench to commercialization, a process that has always fraught with hurdles [email protected] and sinkholes. It is a co-designed testbed to synchronize and evolve tech solutions, free to
Accounting anyone globally who quali? es; helping technology and its developers navigate the ‘Valley
Esther Rothenberger [email protected] of Death’. Our interview with Synchro starts on page 26.
Manager, IT Services
Vladimir Bibik
Kathleen Hickey [email protected]
Gregory R. Trauthwein
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Publisher & Editor iPhone & Android
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Terry Breese [email protected]
Marine Technology Reporter Bayport, NY 11705.
Tel: (561) 732-1185 (ISSN 1559-7415) is published
Member monthly except for February, Au- The publisher assumes no respon-
Advertising Sales Manager gust, and December by New Wave sibility for any misprints or claims
Frank Covella
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Vol. 66 No. 8
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www.marinetechnologynews.com 4 November/December 2023
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