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The Place ... The People ... The Technology ... The Cluster & Collaboration

St. Johns, Newfoundland & Labrador

Sitting on my Air Canada ? ight home from Newfoundland up companies in various stages of development, visiting under & Labrador, a commercial for the Province comes onto the the InnovateUK banner and seeking to build cross-Atlantic screen – not touting the area’s abundent natural beauth and technology ties, partnerships and business opportunities.

tourist attractions, rather the region’s technical facilities and It was a whirlwind two-plus days in and around St. Johns, and prowess under the banner “Tech is Making Waves.” the photos on the opposite page represent just a small portion

Marine Technology Reporter (MTR) was invited to partci- of the program and the immense capabilities found in this true pate in the late May 2024 “Innovation Waves” event, an invite cluster of subsea, maritime and offshore energy excellence. In premised not only on the strength of the MTR audience, rather the coming weeks and months, across our pages – print and the cumulative depth and breadth of parent company New electronic – in MTR, Maritime Reporter & Engineering News

Wave Media’s portfolio of brands serving the global subsea, and Offshore Engineer, we will pro? le and highlight the many maritime, offshore energy, ports and logistics sectors. Innova- ‘crown jewels’ of the region: the people, the organizations, tion Waves was an event that was classic St. Johns, Newfound- the technology: from the brand new Co-Innovation Center to land & Labrador, in that it leveraged the personnel, resources “The Launch” at Holyrood to Memorial University and the and expertise from government, industry and academia. Marine Insitute to the world-class capabilities of the National

Set as a precursor to the O2 conference in Halifax, Innova- Research Council Canada (NRC).

tion Waves drew in too an audience from the UK – 30+ start- – Greg Trauthwein 17

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.