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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS delivered the image quality and con- sistency needed to produce Magellan’s seamless Digital Twin.

Support from Covelya Group

Delivering images and an accurate 3D model requires more than great camer- as, and trail laser scanners. Precise and accurate positioning throughout the sur- vey is essential to ensure that complete coverage is achieved and to provide an accurate ? ight path for 3D model pro- cessing. As a provider of innovative underwater positioning and naviga- tion technologies, Sonardyne supplied

Long BaseLine (LBL) equipment and

Image captured with Voyis Observer & Nova subsea imaging system. an acoustically aided SPRINT-Nav Hy-

Reproduced with permission from Magellan brid Navigator. Sonardyne and Magel- lan have worked extensively together to liable and robust subsea navigation in tion and survey software capabilities to develop and re? ne these systems since the challenging operating conditions at the project. EIVA’s NaviSuite software

Magellan invested in SPRINT-Nav the Titanic site. Also critical to mis- solutions facilitated the ef? cient collec- across its ? eet of 6k rated work class sion success is real-time feedback to tion and visualization of the vast amount

ROVs, with the result that the advanced the surveyors at the surface, and here of image and navigation data collected

INS/DVL/LBL technology ensured re- EIVA contributed its advanced naviga- during the survey.

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.