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career roundtable
Anita Odedra,
Vice President, Global
Shipping Business,
BG Group plc.
The oil and gas sector is often caricatured as a faceless set of greedy corporations. But we are real people who work in these corporations and we can effect “ real change. As an example, my shipping team has been instrumental in the design and delivery of the most ef? cient LNG ships on the water today, that are reducing greenhouse gas emissions signi? cantly.
technology company in the waste and waste to energy sector; obvious reason is this is a male dominated industry but this is ” we are continuously working on developing new technolo- not new to most industries when you get to certain levels, so gies to meet new environmental regulations, something that you have to be thick skinned to survive. What I did ? nd surpris- is intriguing to me. I feel that I can help to provide a cleaner ing was some of the woman who were veterans in the industry future, for my children, and all concerned. were just as tough as the men, if not more so. In this industry, respect is not given it is earned, you will be tried and for sure
On the way up: What is the number one thing that you will be tested. This is where being stubborn and inquisitive propelled you to where you are today? helped me because when I set my mind to something I won’t
Nowak: Ambition. I am a business woman working in a give up until I have achieved my goal or have given it everything male dominated world; it was important to me that my profes- I have. I also was the kid growing up who would keep asking sionalism is recognized. questions until I understood. This has helped me tremendously
Hellow: Good question. Thinking as a physicist has taken in recruitment because it’s all about asking questions and lis- me a long way. Do not be afraid that you don’t know. Just go, tening to understand the needs of the different parties to be able look for decisions, learn and choose the best one. And if you to successfully put the pieces together. It is amazing the amount made a mistake, continue to look for better solution; do not of knowledge that is gained by talking to the best of the best in stop. It is very exciting to search for the answer, because when your industry all day, every day. you ? nd a solution, you will feel as though you are a creator, and creation propels us forward, never back. Succession Planning: What are you doing to encour-
Calero: I think what has propelled me to where I am today age more quali? ed women to take the same path? with Faststream was being thick skinned, stubborn, and inquis- Odedra: It is important to pick the best person for the job. itive. My initial challenges as a woman entering the industry Differences in gender, culture and ethnicity allow different without prior Maritime related experience was quite tough. The ideas and strategies to thrive. This makes for a more inter- 20 Maritime Professional 4Q 2015| | 18-33 Q4 MP2015.indd 20 11/18/2015 10:06:51 AM