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Lisa Morley,
Sault Ste. Marie Community Center
Maritime Professional
The Coast Guard Foundation
Training (MPT) school in the United States and currently serves more than battling breast cancer stemmed from personal experience with 10,000 students annually, providing training for mariners pur- cancer, and eventually, the need to help ? nd a cure and provide suing careers in both the commercial and yachting segments resources for those battling this terrible disease. of the maritime industry. Under the direction of the Morley It is MPT’s involvement with the Boys and Girls Clubs that family for two generations, MPT’s Fort Lauderdale campus perhaps tells the full measure of what the community outreach hosts over 61,000 square feet of classrooms, deck, engineer- means to MPT and its employees. Presented with the opportu- ing departments and dynamic positioning training labs. nity to sponsor just one child for an entire year of club servic-
MPT’s Lisa Morley sums up the ? rm’s corporate giving es and after school snacks, the Morley Family Foundation in- strategy nicely when she says, “One word can really best de- stead committed to a $50,000 donation. Ultimately, this led to scribe the nature of our support – Gratitude. We are grateful a new scholarship program. This year, the ? rst two scholarship for the blessings we as a family and a company have and we recipients from the Boys and Girls Club will embark on their feel a strong obligation to give back to our community in as journey towards a great maritime career. For its part, MPT will many ways as possible. As a family owned business, we have cover ALL associated costs, including USCG licensing fees, instilled this ideology in every aspect of our lives – personal physicals, books, tuition, etc. Morley sums it all up by saying and professional. Our children and grandchildren are being simply, “I love being a part of a family and a company that raised to know and understand that a life lived for others is a understands that in order to make a difference, each of us has life worthwhile.” to be the change that the world needs.”
MPT actively seeks out partnerships with local and national
THE SHEARER GROUP charitable organizations like the Boys and Girls Clubs and the recently founded Hawsepiper Foundation, which allows MPT The Shearer Group, Inc. (TSGI) is best known as designer to further efforts to educate the next generation society about of inland towboats and barges, with a rich history of providing the marine environment as well as opportunities within the naval architecture and marine engineering services to the ma- maritime sector. As an example, MPT provides scholarships rine industry with a focus on the inland sector. Inland barges for training, and offers hands on opportunities to incite excite- built to their designs number in the thousands, along with a ment about industry and the oceans. Summer camp programs myriad of towboat, dry dock and other specialty designs. A in partnership with the Marine Industry Association of South less obvious focus of TSGI is its support of the non-pro? t
Florida and the Marine Industry Cares Foundation are another organization, Living Lands & Waters (LL&W), based out of example of the benevolent reach of this family-run ? rm. East Moline, Illinois. TSGI recently donated the design and
Separately, MPT’s involvement in charities like the Ameri- engineering effort of a new barge for LL&W in their initiative can Cancer Society and other organizations that assist women to improve the environment. The barge will be utilized to pick www.maritimeprofessional.com Maritime Professional 53| | 50-63 Q4 MP2015.indd 53 11/18/2015 9:11:27 AM