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Texas A&M Maritime Academy
Texas A&M Maritime Academy
POB 1675, Galveston, TX 77553
The Texas A&M Maritime Academy (TAMMA) is a prestigious, highly spe-
Telephone: 409.740.4414 cialized maritime training program that is embedded within Texas A&M Uni-
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.tamug.edu versity at Galveston (TAMUG), a branch of Texas A&M University (TAMU)
School Opened: 1962 at College Station, Texas. The Corps provides Midshipmen a regimented en-
Enrollment: 635 vironment that is designed to develop leadership skills required to be an of-
Admissions Director Contact Information: ? cer in the Naval or Merchant Marine services. Leadership development and
Sandra Muros experience is the ultimate goal of the Corps of Midshipmen. The mission of [email protected] the TAMMA is to provide the maritime industries of the State of Texas and the 409.740.4315
United States with highly trained and professional licensed Merchant Marine
Of? cers (deck/engine) to serve on ocean-going and inland waterways ves- sels. The Academy includes Midshipmen who are in the U. S. Coast Guard licensing program that leads to a Merchant Marine Of? cer’s unlimited license as a deck or engineering Of? cer, the Naval Reserve Of? cer Training Corps (NROTC), and the Drill and Ceremony Midshipmen who desire the leader- ship training but not a License in the Merchant Marine or Commission in the
Navy. Additionally, for those Midshipmen who volunteer and meet the quali- ? cations, license option Midshipmen can join the Strategic Sealift Of? cers (SSO) Program administered through the Naval Science Department/NROTC program, which provides the opportunity for license option Midshipmen to receive a commission as an Ensign and serve in the Naval Reserve.
Texas A&M Maritime Academy Majors by the Numbers …
Deck Majors: 446 NROTC: 71 Freshman Class Enrollment: 137 (maritime)
Engine Majors: 97 Drill & Ceremony Cadets: 21 Percentage Employed in Major: 97% (*) six months after graduation
The United States Merchant Marine Academy
The United States Merchant Marine Academy 300 Steamboat Rd., Kings Point, NY 11024
Telephone: 516-726-5646
The U. S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) at Kings Point, NY is a
E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] federal service academy with the mission to educate and graduate licensed
Website: www.usmma.edu
Merchant Marine Of? cers of exemplary character who serve America’s ma-
School Opened: 1943 rine transportation and defense needs in peace and war. The Academy’s four-
Enrollment: 906 year program includes Sea Year, during which cadets acquire hands-on ex-
Admissions Director Contact Information: perience working aboard commercial and military vessels sailing around the
Lt Cmdr. Keith Watson, USMS
[email protected] world. Due to the Academy’s unique mission, its graduates have civilian and 516.726.5642 military career choices that are unmatched by any other federal or maritime academy. Kings Point graduates earn (1) a Bachelor of Science degree, (2) an unlimited U.S. Coast Guard license (Deck or Engine), as well as (3) an of- ? cer’s commission in one of the U.S. Armed Forces. Graduates are obligated to serve as a licensed of? cer in the U.S. Merchant Marine for ? ve years, and as a commissioned of? cer in one of the U.S. Armed Forces reserves for six years following graduation. Alternatively, graduating midshipmen can apply for an active duty commission in any branch of the U.S Armed Forces or the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Corps, and ful- ? ll their service obligation by serving ? ve years in any one of these branches.
USMMA graduates are highly sought after as of? cers in the military and the
U.S. Merchant Marine. Further, according to recent reports from the Depart- ment of Education and others, Kings Point graduates earn some of the high- est salaries of college graduates in the United States.
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