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M.A.N.'s Reliability


Work Analysis llliii


JCtem-u, NormUsfa Kia

Hiiisen, Kmto Mdw, RofSen

Rio^e (KotixsHf, Spannr. Z\ Bader. Boiler* V< >n> - V »i n,;^. fs.,,1

Vent S»t?e, HmMn i,otb«»« Schmbar, hU'ft.oi'i 8u

Dt&en. £>ross»ln. Bienden

Hafaof, Stancjen Hebv? Slmgm

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FSarmche, Vcrtxrtdvriqun Sscbefuncjen ftemchs, Verhtndung&n

Dfchtang^n, Btchtiiachef

Dtuvknl Vwxchttimxm. £ Ti.ig'n Suisbw, Halt stump Okhiurtg»rt, DkHtikidwn

Wmmt!UH>s£tH'.r Putnp&n, V&fdkhfer

Filter (€»«haus#, SsnsaU© £l«k.£rik Filter {Gfihuvm, £*mvu«}

Was war 4«r &th»'m»m- o-rschnft 1d»«nd» Umatand Routine,'' eigwV® £r1»h - St tang, hew EnUcbgidung f

Vorschdft, Mptiit! t»»t«jMgt MS» auf d.-eser Karto ist { ~~ !>it}»fiiei»f« fo'smttimX ^srssr iie$»eren ZusSandes iagsrhalter fiej Jaofancter MascHirw wan Sie bitt« hier Bsi gestopptfi* MaKHine

Fragen 9,10,11 u. bitteauf dar

Rtickseito baaritworten

Motorenfnijfer iitchveeis^s und seines Kastchana, belt hmchrmbm tst; di« idt Wiwf I personal Ins Hafan {fla«da)

For their large original and licence-built marine engines, M.A.N, have developed a systems- oriented reliability programme. Itconsists ofthree essential parts: 1. Work analysis, 2. Wear data analysis, 3. Engine readings. Work analysis is the continuous and complete recording of all the work carried out on an engine. The

Engineers aboard the vessel record the 'events' on cards. At M.A.N, the computer arranges them in systematic order, checks them for plau- sibility and finally evaluates them. Reliability technology consequently leads to design improvements, recommendations for optimal engine operation including selection of fuels and lubricants as well as perfection of maintenance charts.

American M.A.N. Corporation, 479 , 500 Fifth Avenue, Room 5416,

New York, N. Y. 10036

July 1, 1971 21

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.