Page 24: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1978)
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J. Leslie Goodier
Joins Battelle In
Marine Technology
Battelle, Pacific Northwest Lab- oratories, Office of Hazardous Ma- terials Research, 2030 M Street,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, has announced that J. Leslie
Goodier, P.E., recently joined the organization where his activities will be directed toward marine technology, spill prevention, spill containment and countermeasure action. Mr. Goodier has extensive experience in dredging operations including pre-site surveys, envi- ronmental control techniques, af- ter operation water monitoring, and the utilization of dredges for the effective removal of contami- nated harbor sediments. He was formerly with Arthur D. Little,
Inc., Engineering Consultants;
United Technologies Research
Laboratories, Marine Technology
Section; and the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines Ma- rine Mineral Technology Center.
He was also a casualty insurance surveyor with The Travelers In- surance Company, and an engi- neering officer in the Royal Navy.
Mr. Goodier is a registered pro- fessional engineer and a member of The Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers, the
American Institute of Mining En- gineers, and the American Society of Safety Engineers.
Now vou can be sure that all the clocks on board will show the same time.
There is only one ship's time - and no room for disagreement. To ensure accurate time-keeping, our master clock transmits impulses to all the other clocks on board, making sure that they all show exactly the same time. After all, this is essential for automation on your ship. For time that you can count on, choose a Wempe digital master clock. And if you should need any advice, just give us a call.
Secondary clock for radio room.
DIN 20440
Charles G. Kiskaddon
Named President
Alcoa Steamship
Alcoa Steamship Company, Inc.,
Two Pennsylvania Plaza, New
York, N.Y. 10001, wholly owned subsidiary of Aluminum Company of America, has named Charles
G. Kiskaddon Jr. as president.
Mr. Kiskaddon succeeds George
C. Halstead, who died in London on April 11 during a business trip.
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West Germany
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Charles G. Kiskaddon Jr.
Mr. Kiskaddon is a native of
Pittsburgh, Pa., and a 1945 grad- uate of Columbia University with a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering. Follow- ing World War II Navy service as a lieutenant (jg) in the Pacific
Theater of Operations, he joined
Alcoa in 1946 and was assigned to the New York office as a sales engineer.
In 1957, Mr. Kiskaddon moved to Pittsburgh to become industry manager-passenger automotive sales. Subsequently, he was as- sistant district sales manager,
Cleveland, Ohio, and district sales manager in Newark, N.J., and
Chicago, 111. He returned to Pitts- burgh in 1972 as assistant gen- eral manager-field sales. Since 1974, he has been Alcoa's gen- eral manager-marketing primary products.
Point Marine Applies
For Title XI To Build
Two Tug/Supply Vessels
Point Marine, Inc., P.O. Drawer 2120, Morgan City, La., has ap- plied for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of two twin-screw tug/supply ves- sels. The vessels will be built by
Halter Marine, Inc., New Orleans,
The two vessels are designed principally to support the petro- leum industry's offshore explora- tion of oil and gas fields. Specifi- cally, they will be used to relocate movable offshore drilling plat- forms, and to transport crews and supplies between the platforms and shore. The applicant states that the vessels will be used in domestic and foreign waters.
Each of the vessels will meas- ure 190 feet by 40 feet by 14 feet, and will have 4,000 total contin- uous horsepower. The Title XI guarantee would be for $4,506,- 250, which represents 87y2 per- cent of the estimated actual cost of the two vessels. 26 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News