Page 9: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 1980)
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Andino Appointed VP
At Crowley Maritime
International Division
Richard F. Andino has been ap- pointed vice president and gen- eral manager of Crowley Mari- time Corporation's International
Division, San Francisco, Calif., according to a recent announce- ment by Leo L. Collar, CMC ex- ecutive vice president. iJM
Richard F. Andino
The appointment was made as part of a reorganization within the Crowley Operations Group to accommodate expanding opera- tions and new business develop- ment. G.A. Watkins, who previ- ously headed the International
Division in addition to his respon- sibilities as vice president of mar- keting for CMC, will now be able to devote full time to increased corporate marketing require- ments.
In his new position, Mr. Andino is responsible for international contract towing, ocean salvage and Crowley joint venture oper- ations in the Middle East, Japan,
Mexico, and Central America.
Mr. Andino, a graduate of the
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y., was previ- ously director of marketing for
CMC. Prior to joining Crowley, he was involved in the transpor- tation business for more than 20 years, with assignments in oper- ations, traffic and marketing.
New Literature Offered
On Gems Level Switch
For Corrosive Media Use
Literature is available describ- ing a new high-performance, sin- gle station level switch from
GEMS designed to operate a re- mote alarm or indicator, or to control pumps or other equip- ment. Made of all PVC, including wire leads, the switch is ideal for use in chemical applications where there is corrosive media.
Called Model LS-19735, this switch is compact and simple in design. It offers a high degree of versatility in indicating liquid lev- els in almost any tank or vessel, from very small to very large.
The switch is compatible with a variety of acids, fuels and other chemicals. It is easy to install in various mounting methods, and maintenance is virtually unnec- essary. GEMS also makes a line
February 1, 1980 11 of multi-station level switches in
This simple design incorporates only one moving part, the float.
This magnetic float will only re- spond to the surfaces of the liq- uid. The output signal is a direct level measurement as opposed to inferred or indirect measurement.
For complete literature, write to George Angelovich, Gems Sen- sors Division, Transamerica De- laval Inc., Farmington, Conn. 06032.
Collins Named Treasurer
Of Trinidad Corporation
Barber Oil Corporation recent- ly announced that James C. Col- lins Jr., who has been director of internal auditing as well as as- sistant treasurer of Barber, will join the corporation's marine sub- sidiary, Trinidad Corporation, as treasurer, effective January 1.
Trinidad, headquartered in
Philadelphia, Pa., controls a fleet of 19 U.S.-flag petroleum tank- ers. The company is a major transporter of Alaska pipeline oil for Standard Oil of Ohio, and op- erates a fleet of nine tankers for the U.S. Military Sealift Com- mand.
Mr. Collins has public account- ing experience with Price Water- house, is a certified public ac- countant, and has worked in the financial and internal audit de- partments of Merck & Co., John- son & Johnson, and McGraw Hill.
He joined Barber Oil in 1978.
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