Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 1980)
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Division of FOR MAC INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1500 Sixth Avenue South / Seattle, Washington 98134 (206) 623-1292
Custom * Marine New
Construction and Repair...
At Washington Iron Works peace of mind comes with every job... because we take full responsibility from placement of order through to completion.
Washington Iron Works is more than a single service operation. We offer a large foundary capacity, provid- ing single castings up to 20,000 lbs. and welded con- structed castings currently in excess of 65,000 lbs. In addition, we provide the finest in machining, fabrica- tion and assembly to satisfy your most exacting re- quirements. Finally, Washington Iron Works backs these services with a complete engineering staff-to insure a quality product that "works right" each and every time. Next time you require custom marine new construction or repair-let Washington iron Works take the responsibility and provide you peace of mind -and a job well done.
Contact: Stephen T. Matzke (206) 623-1292
TWX 910-444-2057
The ARCO Alaska, 188,500-dwt San Diego-class tanker, built by NASSCO for Arch
Tankers, Inc.
NASSCO Delivers 188,500-DWT
ARCO Alaska To Arch Tankers
The ARCO Alaska, a 188,500- dwt San Diego-class tanker built by National Steel and Shipbuild- ing Company (NASSCO), San
Diego, Calif., was recently re- ceived by Arch Tankers, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of At- lantic Richfield Company. John
M. Murphv, vice president for
NASSCO Corporate Relations, for- mally turned over the tanker to
ARCO Transportation Company vice president Capt. Charles M.
The keel for the 952-foot ARCO
Alaska was laid May 9, 1978. The vessel was launched February 24, 1979, and christened September 7, 1979. A sistership, ARCO Califor- nia, will be launched in January and delivered in mid-1980.
Both tankers will be used to transport Alaska oil, principally to Long Beach, Calif., where AR-
CO has offloading and storage fa- cilities to supply its 185,000 bar- rel-per-day refinery nearby. Each tanker can carry about 1.3 million barrels.
The ARCO Alaska is the third
NASSCO-designed San Diego- class tanker to be delivered. The company delivered two identical vessels to Shell Oil Company in 1978. The tankers are the largest ever built on the West Coast.
The ARCO Alaska and ARCO
California will be the largest ves- sels in ARCO's fleet of 14 vessels, and the first ones to have double bottoms which will also be used to carry segregated ballast. The vessels are also fitted with a collision-avoidance radar system, satellite communications system, plus a satellite navigator.
An inert gas system maintains all cargo spaces in a noncombus- tible condition, thus minimizing the chances of shipboard fires or explosions. The cargo system is designed with a holding tank to collect oil from tank washings for discharging to shore facilities.
The bilge oily-water separation systems will effectively separate and retain oil from the bilge wa- ters for discharge to shore, in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
National Steel and Shipbuilding
Company is a wholly owned sub- sidiary of Morrison-Knudsen Com- pany, Inc.
MarAd Appoints Neumann
Maritime Aids Deputy
Samuel B. Nemirow, Assistant
Secretary of Commerce for Mar- itime Affairs, Maritime Adminis- tration, has announced the ap- pointment of Gerard E. Neumann to the newly created post of
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Maritime Aids (Finance).
For the past seven years Mr.
Neumann had been Director of the Office of Ship Financing Guar- antees. He has been succeeded in that position by Edmond J. Fitz- gerald.
In his new position, created by a recent reorganization of the
Office of the Assistant Adminis- trator for Maritime Aids, "Mr.
Neumann will be responsible for reporting to the Assistant Ad- ministrator for Maritime Aids on all matters relating to the finan- cial assistance programs admin- istered by the Maritime Admin- istration," Mr. Nemirow said.
A second new position, Deputy
Assistant Administrator for Mar- itime Aids (Trade), now vacant, has also been established.
Mr. Neumann joined MarAd in 1961 as a Trade Route Examiner, and transferred to the then Divi- sion of Mortgage Contracts in 1967. Mr. Neumann is a graduate of the New York State Maritime
Tracor Receives Navy
Order For $5.5 Million
Tracor, Inc., Austin, Texas, is being awarded a $5,533,717 cost price fixed fee contract for sup- port services for SSBN unique
Sonar Program. Work will be per- formed in Rockville, Md. The Na- val Sea Systems Command is the contracting activity. (N00024-80-
C-6000) 14 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News